The announcement of a Royal Commission into child abuse by clergy is as big an issue as was the Wood Royal Commission into police corruption, if not bigger. This is no ordinary review of process or legality, but a direct attack on the primacy of religious and canon law over that of the state. Such a thing would never have happened a century ago, because the place of the church in society was central to the European ethos, the foundations of Western democracy. Thus commences the modern Inquisition, tables turned but fear no less palpable.

It’s not that the foundations of belief have altered, but rather that in fighting to bring mankind to an equal playing field whether by choice or coercion, the various churches have been forced into a partial enlightenment. Whether they want to or not, the efforts of the various churches to seek the rights of others has forced them to acknowledge that the human rights of children are no less important than those of any adult.

The terms of reference for this inquiry could tear the various churches apart, or they could allow a continued cover-up of ongoing denial and abuse; it all depends on whether the government has the guts to really dig deep on this issue so that real answers, real resolutions can be found.

This is such a huge undertaking, that it makes me wonder why the heck one individual such as the Inquisitor can hold back any investigation into his actions in the ACT Department of Treasury. If the actions of this one person and his cronies in the Australian Federal Police are subject to less scrutiny than that of any church of religion, what does that say about the state of politics in this country, let alone the Australian Capital Territory?

Julia Gillard has, on the face of it, done the moral thing in calling an inquiry into the abuses and cover-ups that have plagued religious institutions. It’s also politically quite clever, reinforcing her position in staking out her authority against the dominance of the patriarchy. Many of the victims of abuse at the hands of clergy have been young males and there’s little more than the harm of children to raise the ire of the community. Those young boys grow up, but no-one denies the harms that they suffered or the burdens they carry for the rest of their adult lives. The Commission itself reinforces Gillard’s claim to be a woman of stature and ethics, and yet all the while she and her ACT Chief Minister counterpart Katy Gallagher refuse to acknowledge the traumas foisted upon Ms. King, Australia’s most senior female Indigenous bank executive.

Katy Gallagher has embraced Destroy the Joint. She’s made numerous tweets along this line, such as this one:

 Katy Gallagher Tweet DtJ

Well Katy, how about YOU Destroying the Joint by making sure Ms. King gets justice. And Julia, if you are really so against the demoralization of women by misogynistic and sadistic men, then it is also YOUR responsibility to see that Ms. King, who was racially and physically assaulted in the heart of Canberra in broad daylight is allowed to seek her justice.

The polity at the heart of this Royal Commission conveniently allows the Prime Minister to continue to ignore the abuses of the Australia’s Indigenous women in Canberra, marginalized by a hegemony that values mediocrity and manipulation over diligence and honesty.

Katy Gallagher, Julia Gillard, I am calling you both hypocrites. Did you sign the DtJ pledge, Katy? What about you, Julia? And did you note that the pledge not only calls for an end to sexism and misogyny (yes, I still differentiate between the two, because what Ms. King has suffered is far worse than anything either of you in your leadership roles ever have experienced) but also racism?

Hypocrites. You pick and choose the causes to suit popular vote rather than the issues that truly need addressing. There is one way to get to the bottom the whole sordid mess in Canberra and you both should have a damn good idea of where to start by now. Continue with the inquiry into child abuse and make sure it’s done properly. And while you’re at it, root out the liars and self-serving misogynistic and racist turds that are a blight ofnlaw enforcement in Canberra. Give Ms. King her justice.

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This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. David Newbold via Facebook

    I want my Justice, and the same for all those 300 thousand kids that had there life destroyed by these institutions. At least the class action in Adelaide is moving forward and we all hope that this royal commission has them squirming in there seats.

    1. Jenifer

      David, my brother committed suicide as a result of the sexual abuse he was subjected to at a Christian Brothers run school in Sydney. It’s time justice was delivered to all those who have suffered the indignity of institutional used sexual abuse, this extends to Ms King who has suffered and continues to suffer sexual abuse and physical intimidation at the hands of the Australian Federal Police and the corrupt, racist ACT Government. Jen

  2. Anne Shiny via Facebook

    Absolutely agree, David. I just hope that the commission gets to the root of the issues so it is never covered up again, so that anyone, regardless of social standing is held accountable to the same law. Similarly, that’s all Ms. King wants too.

  3. Hassan

    There must be justice for Ms King and her family. The conduct of the Australian Federal Police and the ACT Department of Treasury disgust me in the extreme. Who is this inquisitor anyway? Is he someone important or is he just your typical white, Christian male racist? Is in common in Australia that white males have more rights than black females? I suspect that next I’ll read that white males rapeing black females is acceptable. It’s only a matter of degrees from what happened to Ms King, is it not?

    Why is it that the Australian Prime Minister, who is a woman, refuses to deal with this obvious case of racism and racial hatred? Am I to understand from this that this type of behaviour is acceptable in Australia? As I said it’s only a matter of degrees.


  4. David on this issue I can share your pain! My brother committed suicide as a result of the sexual abuse he had to endure at the hands of the so called “Christian” Brothers.

  5. David Newbold via Facebook

    So sorry for your loss my friend.Just like sorry day had to come, so will the day where we will make these bastards pay for the lives they ruined and i hope your brother is at the gates of heaven when those so call Christians try to enter and are turned away because of there vile crimes.

  6. Paulo Flores via Facebook

    More hypocrites Anne, You’re right, just don’t know how this country canh continue to function in the face of all this hypocracy:) Shame we don’t have any real leaders!

  7. Tom Ashby via Facebook

    David I hope that the Royal Commission brings you more closure and peace than the apology has brought to Indigenous Australia.

  8. Mahmud Ahsan via Facebook

    Hey katy and Julia while your at it, lets have a Royal Commission into hypocracy – you two can be its stars!!!

  9. I feel sorry for all victims of religious and government abuse, I just wonder the value in yet another Royal Commission – is it going to be anything more than just another political game?

  10. WW I too am sorry for all the victims of religious and government abuse, like you I worry that the whole Roual Commission is nothing more than a cheap ALP political stunt.

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