Legal & Parliamentary Records
Author Year Title Publisher City Accessed ISBN Sub topic Notes
Bourke 26/8/1835 Governor Bourke's Proclamation 1835 (UK) Online - National Archives of Australia Online & saved 16/6/10 n/a Terra nullius JPEGs, page 1of2 and page 2of2, of UK original, plus transcript of the original.
Brock A 31/7/2009 Australian Business Law. Chapter 1: The Legal System: Legal Foundations, the Constitution and Statute Law Pearson Online - draft 31/3/10 9781442527829 Terra nullius Origin of the term; Link boken 4/10/10
Crime and Misconduct Commission Jun-10 CMC Review of the Queensland Police Service's Palm Island Review Crime and Misconduct Commission Online - Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission 17/6/10 n/a Death in custody Palm Island, Doomadgee
Gardiner-Garden A 29/6/1999 From Dispossession to Reconciliation Parliament of Australia Online - Australian Parliamentary Library 4/4/10 n/a CDEP  
Kilcullen J 2004 The Australian Constitution: A First Reading Macquarie University Online - Macquarie University 24/1/10 n/a Federation Transcript of 1900 Constitution alongside the dissection for direct comparison.
No author 8/2/1836 Law Intelligence: Supreme Court - Criminal Side The Sydney Herald Online - National Library of Australia 16/6/10 n/a R v Murrell Report on proceedings in court that week - not the verdict.
No author 14/5/1836 Supreme Court: Friday, May 14, 1836 The Sydney Gazette Online - National Library of Australia 16/6/10 n/a R v Murrell Report on proceedings in court that week - not the verdict.
No author 31/5/1836 The Aborigines Colonial Times Online - National Library of Australia 16/6/10 n/a R v Murrell News review on case
No author 6/2/1836 Untitled The Sydney Gazette Online - National Library of Australia 16/6/10 n/a R v Murrell Report on proceedings in court that week - not the verdict.
NT Govt 2007 Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse NT Govt Online - NT Govt; Available in print at National Library of Australia 28/3/10 978-0-9803874-1-4 "Ampe Akelyernemane Meke Mekarle - Little Children are Sacred"; CDEP See Nicholson Speech 30/3/2010; questions veracity of this report as a means to legitimise Howard political interference in NT.
Parliament of Australia 7/7/1900 Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia (Commonwealth of Australia Consitution Act 1900) UK Online - National Archives of Australia 4/10/10 n/a Original consitution at Federation, 1900. Links to amendments within pages.
Parliament of Australia 2009c Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, AG's Dept, Canberra Online - Commonwealth of Australia Law 11/7/10 n/a Human rights Links to both current and superseded versions. Saved in library is the compilation prepared on 7 June 2010 incorporating amendments up to Act No. 51 of 2010
Parliament of Australia 9/7/1900 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Cth) Commonwealth of Australia Online - National Archives of Australia 26/1/10 n/a Federation Transcript of the original.
Parliament of Australia 19/12/1946 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Cth): Amendment to Section 51, page 10 Commonwealth of Australia Online - National Archives of Australia 26-Jan n/a Federation includes transcript of amendment and effects, although Ab's not specifically mentioned.
Parliament of Australia 10/8/1967 Constitution Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967 (Cth) Commonwealth Government Printer Online - National Archives of Australia 26/1/10 n/a Federation Scanned doc and transcript
Parliament of Australia 2009a, 2009b Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, AG's Dept, Canberra Online - Commonwealth of Australia Law 11/7/10 n/a See amendments in 2010 after NTER (NT Intervention) Links to both current and superseded versions. Saved in library is the compilation prepared on 5 August 2009 taking into account amendments up to Act No. 70 of 2009 (.doc=2009a, .pdf=2009b)
Parliament of Western Australia (a) & (b) 23/12/1905 The Aborigines Act 1905 (WA)   Online - AITSIS     Aborigines Protection Act (WA)  
Parliament of Western Australia 30/12/1954 Native Welfare Act 1954 (WA)   Online - National Library of Australia   n/a   Scanned copies of the originals
Parliament of Queensland 16/12/1897 Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of opium Act 1897 (Qld) Qld Government or colony Online - National Archives of Australia 26/1/10 n/a Qld; Opium Transcripts of originals as wells as scanned originals. Transcript contains error in dates on P.8. National Archives advised via email on 26/1/10; (.jpg & .pdf on file)
Port Phillip Patriot 20/9/1841 R. v. Bonjon Supreme Court of New South Wales Online - National Library of Australia 17/6/10 n/a c.f. Murrell - influenced by that earlier case.  
Smandych R 2004 Contemplating the Testimony of 'Others': James Stephen, the Colonial Office, and the Fate of Australian Aboriginal Evidence Acts, Circa 1839-1949 Australian Journal of Legal History Online - Austlii 27/6/10   Aboriginal testimony Australian Journal of Legal History (Macquarie University) 8 (2): 237–284
Sydney Gazette1 20/11/1838 R. v. Kilmeister (No. 1) Supreme Court of New South Wales Online - Macquarie University 17/6/10 n/a Myall Creek Massacre  
Sydney Gazette2 27/11/1838 R. v. Kilmeister (No. 2) Supreme Court of New South Wales Online - Macquarie University 17/6/10 n/a Myall Creek Massacre  
Thiele F 2009 Superintendent La Trobe and the Amenability of the Aboriginal People to British Law 1839-1846 The Journal of Public Record Office Victoria Online - Public Record Office Victoria 27/6/10 n/a Aboriginal testimony Aborigines taking the oath in a court of law and the worth of their testimony