Stanhope-less is gone, now it’s time for accountability and transparency
Well thank god for that! Like all good rats, the king of spin is the first to abandon the sinking ship of state the Australian Capital Territory. Yes, strictly speaking…
Well thank god for that! Like all good rats, the king of spin is the first to abandon the sinking ship of state the Australian Capital Territory. Yes, strictly speaking…
Background information and things to think about as you read the 'transcript' Mow-watty was the first Indigenous person to be sentenced to death by a Superior Court in Australia, this…
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment (ATSI) rates have soared by a whopping 52 per cent over the past decade. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s now account for a quarter…
The following quote comes from Gary Johns's November 11 article in The Australian. Johns is a former Keating Labor government minister, but after leaving politics has headed right, working for…
In 1991-1992 the Research School of Social Sciences at ANU conducted a national survey of 1522 Australians and asked them about their attitude to rights. The report Rights in Australia…
What a combination, but what do they have to do with Blak and Black? To steal a line from Gore Vidal’s Caligula, “everything and nothing”. Nothing, because Blak and Black…
In the Trobriand Islands the annual yam festival is more than just ordinary. Nick burst out laughing when I told him I was heading for the Trobriand Islands. “I hope…
In an opinion piece published in the Age newspaper, Yorta Yorta man Paul Briggs (2006) angrily rejected a proposal by Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Mal Brough that Aboriginal culture be…
Lest we forget. It’s three words every Australian comes to know early in life, recited at Anzac and Remembrance Days, or funerals for the most recently deceased soldier. I honour…
Attack is the best form of defence. The people of Yindjibarndi have been doing just that, with the video of the March 16 meeting proving to a be an international…
"Australians have a great sense of fairness and when you do things like that we say 'get on your bike, fella' and get back out again. Don't take advantage of…
Marlon Noble has spent a third of his life in jail, for a crime the victims are unable to recall. What’s worse, Mr. Noble has never been tried. His plight…
As a prelude to this post I would like to congratulate former Solomon Islands’ Attorney-General Julian Moti on his win in the High Court. On Friday 8th April 2011 the…
Prime Minister Gillard signalled during a speech given to the Sydney Institute on Wednesday night that welfare reform was on her agenda, in a big way. "The social and economic…
Following is the text of an press release from the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation regarding the relocation of the video of the March 16 meeting. PRESS RELEASE YINDJIBARNDI ABORIGINAL CORPORATION Roebourne,…
Michael Anderson, the last survivor of the four 1972 founders of the Aboriginal embassy in Canberra and leader of the 3,000 Euahlayi, says in a media release that the New…
“I'm not sure it's the law that would do it [silence political dissent], it's more the climate that does it. I've been critical, openly critical of aspects of government policy…
Clearly, with the expansion of the AFP under Mick Keelty and with the blessing of the Howard government, the AFP has morphed into something unrecognisable. It's forgotten its core business…
At the request of one of the people mentioned in this post it has been taken down. We will review this situation and keep you informed of any progress as…
A WOMAN charged by counter-terrorist police with plotting a bomb attack was allegedly directed by her boyfriend - a jail inmate serving 22 years for the execution-styled killing of a…