Israel’s Actions in Gaza Cannot Be Justified on Either Military or Moral Grounds
The invasion of Gaza cannot be justified on military or moral grounds and is affront to international law.
The invasion of Gaza cannot be justified on military or moral grounds and is affront to international law.
The horror of the Holocaust required many people to blindly accept propaganda and turn a blind to the evil perpetrated by the Nazis.
Cronyism rigs economic benefits in favour of an inner circle or elites, shifting the costs onto those less privileged.
Look past quoted numbers in order to highlight the true value of statistics, but beware, numbers can burn!
Multi-national corporations are often responsible for the abuse of human rights, for which they must be held accountable.
Perceptions of the politicisation of the AFP have considerable weight stretching back to its origins and continuing to today.
Corruption thrives when the inept and complicit fail to perform their duties, allowing the safeguards on transparency and accountability to fail.
To place a person above or outside the law is to undermine democracy.
When considering who should form Government after the next election, remember Morrison's legacy..
The Grasberg Mine in West Papua is damaging the environment and compromises the health and cultural heritage of the local Indigenous people.
Australia’s political guardrail institutions are often holograms lacking the substantive ability to fulfill their mandates.
Preamble This article responds to a vile, racist comment left on my website by a self-described white supremacist using the pseudonym “Don’t Like Abos.” Highly original. The comment read: “Look,…
Politicisation of the Australian Federal Police biases law enforcement, diverting the drivers from community service and underpinning unprofessional behaviour.
Failure to ensure the integrity of legal documents and to hold those accountable for breach are hallmarks of a failed justice system.
The loss of trust in once trusted sources of information has given rise to a breed of truth-tellers who trade upon distrust to leverage their own aims.
Corruption is a systemic issue that transcends political affiliations and demands accountability, no less in the ACT than any other jurisdiction.
The lack of accountability for fabrication of evidence by police further insults victims of injustice and undermines trust in the justice system.
Populist leaders eschew virtue signalling, preferring the emotional hook of deceit to connect with the people.
The contrasting work ethics observed in the private and public sectors highlight significant challenges that need to be addressed.
The rise of populism reveals deep-seated political frustrations, underscoring the need for democratic principles, accountability and integrity.