The Art of Fabrication: Oscar Wilde’s “The Decay of Lying” and the Perils of Alternative Narratives
"Alternative facts", splinters truth beyond repair, creating not a new truth or beauty, but a discordant competition of fictions.
"Alternative facts", splinters truth beyond repair, creating not a new truth or beauty, but a discordant competition of fictions.
Independent candidates, who a largely no funded by corporate interests, have greater ability to act in the interests of their constituents.
Australia's gas shortage is a function of the lack of sound policy to ensure local supply over corporate profit.
Electing a minority Labor government at the upcoming election would enable ongoing correction for damage from the Morrison government.
The pattern of restrictive laws in Australia bears concerning similarities with the gradual decline of Germany toward the Nazi regime.
Abandonment of the principles of equality, justice and human dignity by a nation leads to disillusionment that engulfs the entire social fabric.
Every human life holds equal value, regardless of individual differences and is pivotal in ethical and legal frameworks.
The invasion of Gaza cannot be justified on military or moral grounds and is affront to international law.
The horror of the Holocaust required many people to blindly accept propaganda and turn a blind to the evil perpetrated by the Nazis.
An imbalance in media ownership enables the political right to influence the terms of elections, setting the terms through amplifying cultural tensions.
The Trojan Horse is a lesson in looking beyond a rival's seemingly generous gift to their underlying motives and past behaviours.
Cronyism rigs economic benefits in favour of an inner circle or elites, shifting the costs onto those less privileged.
Look past quoted numbers in order to highlight the true value of statistics, but beware, numbers can burn!
Multi-national corporations are often responsible for the abuse of human rights, for which they must be held accountable.
Perceptions of the politicisation of the AFP have considerable weight stretching back to its origins and continuing to today.
Corruption thrives when the inept and complicit fail to perform their duties, allowing the safeguards on transparency and accountability to fail.
The politicisation of religion defeats its true purpose, leaving a shell with that fails to deliver its promises.
Peter Dutton's peddles a divisive narrative in his pursuit of power that ultimately serves the electorate poorly.
To place a person above or outside the law is to undermine democracy.
When considering who should form Government after the next election, remember Morrison's legacy..