Justice within Injustice: The Oxymoron of Law in the Third Reich and Parallels in Modern Australia
The pattern of restrictive laws in Australia bears concerning similarities with the gradual decline of Germany toward the Nazi regime.
The pattern of restrictive laws in Australia bears concerning similarities with the gradual decline of Germany toward the Nazi regime.
Abandonment of the principles of equality, justice and human dignity by a nation leads to disillusionment that engulfs the entire social fabric.
The horror of the Holocaust required many people to blindly accept propaganda and turn a blind to the evil perpetrated by the Nazis.
An imbalance in media ownership enables the political right to influence the terms of elections, setting the terms through amplifying cultural tensions.
The Trojan Horse is a lesson in looking beyond a rival's seemingly generous gift to their underlying motives and past behaviours.
Look past quoted numbers in order to highlight the true value of statistics, but beware, numbers can burn!
Peter Dutton's peddles a divisive narrative in his pursuit of power that ultimately serves the electorate poorly.
Peter Dutton exploits emotive, divisive tropes regarding immigration and race, with the current antisemitism debate being the latest grist for his mill.
Indigenous people in Australia are afforded far less support than any other group, despite failures to Close the Gap.
An unpopular alliance from the outset, AUKUS under Trump carries significant risk.
Peter Dutton is a populist, drawing from the classic playbook asserting that he is the common man's friend. But does the electorate believe rhetoric?
Concerns that Australia’s political duopoly is eroding democracy necessitate transparency and accountability in governance.
The loss of trust in once trusted sources of information has given rise to a breed of truth-tellers who trade upon distrust to leverage their own aims.
"Alternative facts" are embedded by unconscious bias and group-identity, but may be addressed via multi-faceted strategies the respect the individual.
White nationalism poses a significant danger to democracy, undermining human rights and destabilising community.
The study of Nazi propaganda highlights the principles of design and emotional rhetoric used to bring about the totalitarian regime.
Populist leaders eschew virtue signalling, preferring the emotional hook of deceit to connect with the people.
The rise of populism reveals deep-seated political frustrations, underscoring the need for democratic principles, accountability and integrity.
Abstract This paper explores the complex journey of Martin Niemöller, a German Lutheran pastor whose initial support for Adolf Hitler transformed into profound regret and opposition to the Nazi regime.…
Is there a William Howard Russell among today's journalists?