A wee ditty on the ACT Legislative Assembly
An Assembly or Romper Room?
An Assembly or Romper Room?
A thought to peace lovers everywhere
The Greens have won a greater proportion of the seat in the ACT than any other state or territory but do they lack the spine to hold ACT Labor to account?
Has ACT Labor been proactive as the Territory's leaders for the past twenty years?
For justice, though it wears a shroud ... It is the hope of every crowd.
ACT Labor has held government since 2001, with concerns increasing that the lack of integrity and accountability in the ACT Public Service has been fostered by political leaders.
Recognising that the silence around toxic culture and silencing workplace racism is imperative in ending the culture that justifies rather than holds accountable the Angel Marina’s of the public service.
Former ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope has been lauded as a champion of human rights, but an examination of his actions reveals a dissonance between his proclaimed values and the realities of his political decisions
A valedictorian to ACT Labor, farewell and goodbye, and its twenty-year effort to protect a white supremacist from legal and moral accountability.
Efforts made to address racism in the Australian Capital Territory are insufficient in the face of deeply entrenched systemic inequalities
Indigenous incarceration rates are among the absolute worst in the world.
Where have all the jobs gone? Don’t bother us with reality, ideology is all that matters!
"The rule of law ... is wielded - not arbitrarily, but with accountability and predictability." Mark Dreyfuss, Attorney-General, Australia
The actions of Peter Garrison, the ACT’s Clayton’s Solicitor-General, has created in Angel Marina a kind of king not answerable to the law for his actions.
Why did the ACT Solicitor General want BnB taken down?
Some days demand that we pause to reflect on an event on the same date in the past. For Blak and Black that day is 9 May and this year marks 20 years since Angel Marina wrote his now widely recognised letter of racism against the ACT Government’s then most senior Indigenous employee.
Only when we march for every woman and girl will there truly be solidarity.
An inquiry into the Aboriginal and Terres Strait Islander employment in the ACT excluded two key directorates that with longstanding racism issues - CMTEDD and JACS.
Suppression of two public interest disclosures pointing money siphoned out of government coffers hallows corruption to go on unchecked in the Australian Capital Territory.