Lasting Echoes of the War on Terror: Consequences of Normalising Expanded Legislation on Constitutional Values
Legislative instruments expanded since 9/11 represent a vast creep of restrictions on liberty, privacy and due process
Legislative instruments expanded since 9/11 represent a vast creep of restrictions on liberty, privacy and due process
Every human life holds equal value, regardless of individual differences and is pivotal in ethical and legal frameworks.
The invasion of Gaza cannot be justified on military or moral grounds and is affront to international law.
Colonisation has left Australia devoid of Indigenous cultural traditions that benefit the economy and disadvantaged First Nations.
Authoritarianism and science skeptics are driving the Earth to a climate catastrophe.
The horror of the Holocaust required many people to blindly accept propaganda and turn a blind to the evil perpetrated by the Nazis.
An imbalance in media ownership enables the political right to influence the terms of elections, setting the terms through amplifying cultural tensions.
Following the Holocaust, Julius Stone viewed the conception of Israel a practical necessity to prevent threat to the existence of the Jewish people.
Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs serves as a model for the integration of identity in public service, where the future of the world are paramount.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
"He who shouts the loudest generally has the least to offer."
Multi-national corporations are often responsible for the abuse of human rights, for which they must be held accountable.
The politicisation of religion defeats its true purpose, leaving a shell with that fails to deliver its promises.
At its fundamental roots, democracy requires freedom of speech, but with a necessary tension to limit hate.
Resolving the Isreal-Palestine conflict requires understanding all sides of the matter, including the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
Every act of kindness, no matter how small, adds up to a ripple effect that can change the world.
To place a person above or outside the law is to undermine democracy.
The Grasberg Mine in West Papua is damaging the environment and compromises the health and cultural heritage of the local Indigenous people.
Indigenous people in Australia are afforded far less support than any other group, despite failures to Close the Gap.
The similarities between Trump's presidency and the Roman Republic bear consideration.