Music gives a soul to the Universe
Sandhya Singh's paintings bring music to her paintings.
Sandhya Singh's paintings bring music to her paintings.
The abuse of human rights comes in many forms and places. It wears the face of the average neighbour just as easily as it does that of authority or a…
My approach to life owes much to Lao Tzu’s maximum: “Live life in all possible ways; don't choose one thing against the other, and don't try to be in the…
Mr. Anand Grover, UN Special Raporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health findings on Australia’s treatment of its…
All those who have been following the Australian news in the last few weeks will no doubt be aware that there has been an absolute spate of police taserings right…
Police using Tasers for wrong reasons ( 4 October, 2010); the headline screams out from the screen as I stumble onto yet another instance of police brutality against Aboriginal Australians…
Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin were at best clumsy amateurs when it came to genocide. If a political group wants to rid itself of a troublesome ethnic minority,…
While traditional and authentic Aboriginal culture in South-Eastern Australia went into terminal decline with the arrival of European settlers in 1788, the Aboriginal tribes of Arnhem Land in the north-eastern…
PROLOGUE Before we can truly understand another person, we must walk a mile in their moccasins. Before we can walk in another person’s moccasins, we must first take off our…