The Legacy of ACT Labor, 20 years of lazy government

Suppression of two public interest disclosures pointing money siphoned out of government coffers hallows corruption to go on unchecked in the Australian Capital Territory.


The ACT Barr Government, ducking the hard calls for another term

Why was Mullins fitted-up for seeking a missing public interest disclosure and why does the Barr Government not ensure transparency?


The rule of law and the democratic process

“No-one ever argues that governments should have less integrity, that elected officials should not be accountable, or that public servants should behave unethically. Broad statements of the value of integrity,…

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Forty years on, Indigenous women still without rights

It was freezing last night where I slept in my travels, below freezing in fact. In Bangerang country, home of the Yorta Yorta people, Mother Nature may have frozen the…


Mob rule and the ‘gentle’ nations of the West

You can talk a mob into anything; its feelings may be – usually are – on the whole generous and right; but it has no foundation for them; you may…