Justice within Injustice: The Oxymoron of Law in the Third Reich and Parallels in Modern Australia
The pattern of restrictive laws in Australia bears concerning similarities with the gradual decline of Germany toward the Nazi regime.
The pattern of restrictive laws in Australia bears concerning similarities with the gradual decline of Germany toward the Nazi regime.
Rights bloom for us all, Dignity stands tall – unbowed, Universal truth.by Bakchos Abstract Human dignity is a concept that has gained significant attention in various fields, including philosophy, law,…
Politicisation of the Australian Federal Police biases law enforcement, diverting the drivers from community service and underpinning unprofessional behaviour.
Access to justice is hampered by financial means for the majority, but there are ways to address the disparity.
On Friday, The Australian Institute of Criminology (“AIC”) realest its Australian crime: Facts & figures: 2012 report, which provides sober reading for all those concerned about the on-going silent genocide…
I like to learn how to say people’s names properly. Not that I have a particularly good memory for pairing names with faces, but I believe it is a sign…
Thus Friend comforted me. I took great comfort from his counsel, and it seemed to me, indeed that he knew at least more than Reason did. But before he had…
I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves -- this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way,…
David Hicks and Lex Wotton, two of Australia’s notorious. No I’m not suggesting that they are members of that Sydney based pseudo-outlaw bikie gang allegedly connected with the Ibrahim family,…
Words Like Freedom There are words like Freedom Sweet and wonderful to say. On my heart strings freedom sings All day everyday. There are words like Liberty That almost make…
In Australia, I am nothing but a name, or nemo nisi nomen, is a term that can now be applied to our so-called liberties.
Each man reaches perfection by doing his own duty; he worships god – from whom all beings come, by whom this universe was stretched forth – by doing his appointed…