Lasting Echoes of the War on Terror: Consequences of Normalising Expanded Legislation on Constitutional Values
Legislative instruments expanded since 9/11 represent a vast creep of restrictions on liberty, privacy and due process
Legislative instruments expanded since 9/11 represent a vast creep of restrictions on liberty, privacy and due process
Every human life holds equal value, regardless of individual differences and is pivotal in ethical and legal frameworks.
The invasion of Gaza cannot be justified on military or moral grounds and is affront to international law.
Multi-national corporations are often responsible for the abuse of human rights, for which they must be held accountable.
Resolving the Isreal-Palestine conflict requires understanding all sides of the matter, including the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
The Grasberg Mine in West Papua is damaging the environment and compromises the health and cultural heritage of the local Indigenous people.
Rights bloom for us all, Dignity stands tall – unbowed, Universal Bakchos Abstract Human dignity is a concept that has gained significant attention in various fields, including philosophy, law,…
The Thread That Binds UsWe walk beneath the same wide sky, No matter where or how or why. Our hearts beat out a common tune, A melody under the sun…
The UN Declaration of Human Rights sets standards for the protection and advancement of people, but the reality is more challenged.
Hate speech in modern society refreshes societal tensions that lead to intolerance and violence, but there are strategies to combat it.
Centuries of persecution underscore the necessity for a safe haven for Jews that also acknowledges Palestinians through a two-state solution.
Will we be remembered as passive observers, complicit in the silence that enables injustice?
The path toward a lasting and just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will require courage, compromise and a commitment to peace transcending the historical grievances of both peoples.
“We recognize international law …” Every country that is a member of the United Nations recognizes international law, Bob, at least as far as it serves their purposes. It seems…
With the Inauguration of President Obama for his second term fast approaching (20 January, 2013) it is worth considering just how far the United States and indeed the West has…
David Hicks and Lex Wotton, two of Australia’s notorious. No I’m not suggesting that they are members of that Sydney based pseudo-outlaw bikie gang allegedly connected with the Ibrahim family,…
Judgement is our oldest belief, our most habitual holding-true or holding un-true, an assertion or denial, a certainty that something is thus not otherwise, a belief that here we really…
Make we mery quyl we may, and mynne upon joye, For the lur may mon lach when-so mon lykes Make we merry while we may, and think about joy, For…
FMG ‘DECLASSIFIED’ THEN DESTROYED YINDJIBARNDI HERITAGE SITES Recent reports that, Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) is pushing ahead with the “low-cost Firetail deposit” at its Solomon Project, while scaling back…
…that in America THE LAW IS KING. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to…