Culture Wars in Australia: The Right Wing as Primary Instigator
An imbalance in media ownership enables the political right to influence the terms of elections, setting the terms through amplifying cultural tensions.
An imbalance in media ownership enables the political right to influence the terms of elections, setting the terms through amplifying cultural tensions.
"He who shouts the loudest generally has the least to offer."
At its fundamental roots, democracy requires freedom of speech, but with a necessary tension to limit hate.
Morrison's legacy may cost Australia far more than just money.
An unpopular alliance from the outset, AUKUS under Trump carries significant risk.
Peter Dutton is a populist, drawing from the classic playbook asserting that he is the common man's friend. But does the electorate believe rhetoric?
Albanese's government faces challenges connecting with young male voters that threaten his re-election prospects.
Trumpism challenges us to look beyond the ideology of politics to the emotions that underpin collective voter behaviour.
The promotion of conspiracies and misinformation by political leaders and "experts" feeds societal polarisation and undermines democracy.
Populist leaders eschew virtue signalling, preferring the emotional hook of deceit to connect with the people.
A balanced budget has its merits, but could other considerations carry more weight?
The rise of political polarisation in Australia poses significant challenges to the health of its democracy.
Has ACT Labor been proactive as the Territory's leaders for the past twenty years?
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