The Equality of Human Life: A Philosophical and Practical Examination
Every human life holds equal value, regardless of individual differences and is pivotal in ethical and legal frameworks.
Every human life holds equal value, regardless of individual differences and is pivotal in ethical and legal frameworks.
The invasion of Gaza cannot be justified on military or moral grounds and is affront to international law.
Following the Holocaust, Julius Stone viewed the conception of Israel a practical necessity to prevent threat to the existence of the Jewish people.
Resolving the Isreal-Palestine conflict requires understanding all sides of the matter, including the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
The Thread That Binds UsWe walk beneath the same wide sky, No matter where or how or why. Our hearts beat out a common tune, A melody under the sun…
Centuries of persecution underscore the necessity for a safe haven for Jews that also acknowledges Palestinians through a two-state solution.
The path toward a lasting and just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will require courage, compromise and a commitment to peace transcending the historical grievances of both peoples.