First, democracy implies processes of communication through which individuals come to know as individuals what they want or think is right. Individuals should be the owners of their beliefs and preferences, meaning that beliefs or preferences should not be the result of manipulation or received opinion but rather the result of considered adherence. Second, democracy implies processes of communication through which a collectivity comes to know what it wants or thinks is right as a collectivity. Collective judgement indicates that individuals have given due consideration to what each wants as a member of the collectivity, enabling the collective to form a will or ‘public opinion’ (Warren, 2001)

In other words, both senses of collective judgement depend on the exercise of autonomy at the individual and political levels. Autonomy itself implies a right of individuality within the collectivity. Individuality includes personal rights to freedom of religion, expression, association and naturally race.

Race is a major issue in the contemporary Australian collectivity. While the servants of the collectivity (the government, military, police and judiciary) prattle on endlessly about citizens’ rights and the inclusive nature of the Australian collectivity, this is nothing more than white wash, used by the Australian collectivity in an attempt to cover the ugly side of the Australian character, racism and a denial of the rights of those ‘Australians’ who aren’t of European extraction.

Racism is the ever present undercurrent of the contemporary Australian collectivity, an undercurrent which managed to break the surface in 2005 in an ugly display of tribal hatred that has become known as the Cronulla Riots, a riot fuelled by text messages urging “Aussies” to take revenge against “Lebs and wogs” and “Middle-Eastern” gangs, all done to the racist mantra of “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie … Oi, Oi, Oi“.  True to the spirit of Aussie, Aussie, Aussie … Oi, Oi, Oi, I received two comments on Blak and Black yesterday, from one of my more loyal followers, a person who goes by the acronym PTT.  I know that I have discussed PTT’s deluded ranting’s before, but today he has crossed the line that separates racism from psychosis. Mind you, the psychosis I speak of is a peculiarly Australian psychosis, and can manifest in otherwise ‘normal’ individuals. It is the psychosis of racial hatred against Indigenous Australians.

PTT’s comments, while puerile in themselves are of interest because, by his own admission, he is an employee of the ACT government (as evidenced by his email address).

What PTT had to say is this:

You fucked up abo piece of shit, you didn’t take off your tin foil hat like I told you to do. Have you checked on the slap kid recently. Sometimes kids get run over outside Knox. Sometimes it’s a hit and run.

Followed by:

You shoule [sic] face rendition for this site you useless abo piece of shit. Dou [sic] you think anybody really cares what an abo piece of shit thinks. Bang, bang, slap kid dead. (Like most ‘red necks’ PTT doesn’t seem to be able to spell!)

The ‘slap kid’ PTT is referring too is a young lad who was adopted from Korea by an Aboriginal family. ‘Slap’ is Australian racist terminology for a person of Asian extraction. In 2005 when I was working in Willoughby I was approached by two men at about 3 am carrying a picture of the ‘slap kid’ who was then four. The picture was taken through the fence of his pre-school. As well as producing a picture of the ‘slap kid’, these two chaps also produced what looked to be and what they purported to be Australian Federal Police identification.

During this encounter with two of ‘Australia’s finest’, witnessed by Mr Phillip Hart, threats of a similar nature, to those recently made by PTT, were made against the ‘slap kid’ along with a request made to me at the point of a Glock 9 mm pistol, that I stop making allegations of racism and corruption against certain named individuals, employees of the ACT government and the Australian Federal Police. During this encounter the phrase tin foil hat was used. This same phrase subsequently appeared in a response to a comment made by Blondcat on Riotact, an ACT specific on-line discussion board. The commenter on Riotact used this phrase while making thinly veiled threats against Blondcat after she/he suggested that the ACT government was corrupt. I think that I can sense the beginning of a theme here.

Readers might care to note that tin foil hat was used by PTT in this latest outrageous outburst of racist invective. I can’t say with any degree of certainty if the Riotact PTT is the same as the Blak and Black PTT, but there would appear to be at least some prima facie similarities.

When I do a Google search for the acronym PTT it is interesting to note that one option for the full term is Police Technical Team, a unit of the Australian Federal Police. Again, there may be no connection between the two.

This all comes back to who is really a citizen of ‘Australia’s great democracy.’ While the government prattles on about inclusiveness, actions speak louder than words. Threats to children, assaults at the Waldorf Café, deaths in the back of prison vans, and a murder in a dry river bed in Darwin, all of these crimes have been committed against Indigenous Australians, most by various branches of the public service and all by white Australians. No attempt at genuine justice has been made in any of these cases. Are we, Indigenous Australian’s and Australian’s of non-European extraction truly considered as citizens and holders of a full franchise in the contemporary Australian collectivity? I would answer this question in the negative!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Baki

    Hi Mark,

    Great site and source from an Aboriginal perspective.

    Social networking sites like Facebook is an excellent platform for spreading your thoughts as many people in Australia, old and new, do not know about these problems because it’s something between Aborigines and Whites. Asians tend to avoid conflicts but racism affects them too. Racism connects people and is a cause worth fighting for if it can help create a better Australia, but that can only happen with the right person to lead the country. Do you have a contact e-mail address? I have a few questions to ask, thanks!

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