When we look at a map of the world’s major trouble spots we see or at least I see, a white footprint superimposed over each and every one of these trouble spots. Via this process it is possible to trace the path of European avarice, imperialism and religious bigotry. The ‘gifts’ white man has left along this path are murder, rape, theft and ultimately genocide. These have given rise to an intractable array of conflict; of brother against brother, father against son, conflicts fuelled by the destruction of indigenous people’s rights, language, culture and hope.

The reason for raising this issue now is that over the weekend I was having coffee with a friend, a former Principle Singer with Opera Australia and a man who had spent some time in PNG in the 1970s, a time that happened to coincide with PNG independence and the Javanese colonisation of West Papua. White man has an obvious hand or should I say foot in both of these processes.

While discussing issues ranging from the attempted genocide of the Wiradjuri by white colonists following the 1824 Bathurst war to the ongoing genocide of the West Papuan’s by Indonesia, carried on to this very day, we were accosted by a plump, bespectacled white lady, sans her front teeth, we later learned that her name is Sue.

After interrupting our conversation, Sue proceeded to regale the entire coffee shop with story after story about how white people are mistreated, unfairly disadvantaged and generally discriminated against by Aborigines and that Aborigines have “it way to good” and should be “thankful to white Australians” for corralling them into Housing Commission tenements in the far flung reaches of Sydney. In such salubrious locations as Glenfield, Raby or god forbid Macquarie Fields, a place so infamous that according to the popular media all of its denizens exist in a ‘zombiefied’ state leaching the life force from the good Christian souls of white Australia. Nothing mentioned about the fact that prior to 1788 Aboriginal Australia was in quite possession of the whole of the continental Australian landmass. There was also nothing mentioned about the fact that the land we sat on drinking our coffee was prior to 1788 in the quite possession of the Gadigal and was stolen from them by white colonists from Europe without compensation or even acknowledgement that a wrong had been committed.

In the end we established that Sue herself was one of those ‘zombiefied’ denizens from the Macquarie Fields Housing Commission estate, who had somehow managed to escape from the corral for the day. Her ‘problem’ as it turned out was that she resented being forced to live next to people whom she felt naturally superior to. Why did Sue feel this way? Simply because she is white and many of her neighbours are Aboriginal Australians leaching the life force from the good Christian souls of white Australia!

While I have many fond memories from my youth of being racially abused when visiting friends and family in Macquarie Fields I have never considered its denizens to be anything more or less that fellow humans living in strained circumstances. It’s at this point that my post actually begins.

A defining feature of my experiences while living in PNG in the 1990s was that even the most base of white fellas living up there considered themselves superior to the nationals. Why? Again, simply because they were born white and the PNG national not! Simple logic from simple minds, no need to think when your only equal is a mirror image of yourself. No room for Tonto, the preverbal native ‘sidekick’ in this scenario.

It is this attitude by the white fellas of this world that has and is fuelling all the trouble that the indigenous people of the former European colonies and meeting out to each other. This is also where the concept of complicity or collective responsibility comes in. Prior to China’s entrance onto the world stage as an economic juggernaut in the last decade or so wealthy western societies were able to experience phenomenal economic growth by exploiting, at under value, the natural resources of their former colonies. This economic exploitation was achieved by the crudest methods imaginable, sow internal discord with the indigenous peoples of your former colonies and send in your military either directly or by proxy to restore the ‘rule of law’ and continue the process of plundering their resources that started in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Only this time all is sanctioned by international law, whether in fact or fiction.

The genocide that is currently underway in West Papua is a direct outcome of European colonization of the area in the 15th through 20th centuries. Yes I know that the direct invasion was carried out by Indonesian military forces which back the colonization of the area by Javanese, but the real beneficiaries of this process are the wealthy western societies who gain access to cheap resources plundered by western multi-national mining companies such as Freeport – McMoRan. In 2006 productions from the Freeport mine were 610,800 tonnes of copper; 58,474,392 grams of gold; and 174,458,971 grams of silver. All of which is the rightful property of the indigenous people of West Papua. What have the rightful owners of these riches reaped from the western exploitation of them? Rape, murder and genocide – all in the name of maintaining political and economic stability in wealthy western societies, we may close our eyes to this reality, but we remain complicit in the process. If there was not a market for cheap resources driven by western greed, the criminals perpetrating these crimes would have less incentive to do so and the west would have more incentive to speak out on behalf of the oppressed.

I’m white so I’m right

My encounter with Sue in the coffee shop is relevant, in that, she with her few sordid stories about being disadvantaged because she is white and therefore entitled to more than a black which to her mind she is not getting, encapsulates the whole notion of complicity. I’m white so everything I do to an indigenous person to improve my lot in life, no matter how harmful those actions might be to that class of people known as indigenous, is right, why? Simply because I’m white and they are not, isn’t life simple when you look around and all you see are mirror images of yourself!

Well if those who profess to be Christian, or enlightened or even plain human chose to open their eyes and look around, they would see that not all is right or white and that their mirror reflecting themselves is nothing more than an illusion. Yes we might have big houses resplendent with central heating and cooling, new cars, fancy clothes and be prepared to spend $500 on a night out, but this is illusion. The reality is the suffering of those who pay literally with their very lives so we can squander their resources in the name of western political stability and avarice.

If we extent the notion of complicity to include all the potential beneficiaries of the outcome of the ongoing genocide of the world’s indigenous peoples in the name of the illusion that is the western standard of living, then all those, including Sue who benefits via the process of affordable state funded housing, are complicit in the genocide of entire races of people. Is this Christian, humane or ethical, this is a judgement that is open to each and every of us to make as individuals, but it is how we decide this issue that will determine how we develop as a species. In the same way that might does not make right, white does not make right. If we don’t speak out against the West Papuan genocide or the more subtle forms of genocide that are currently being waged against Australia’s Indigenous people, or Australia’s neo-colonial exploitation of the Pacific via RAMSI, the ADF and the AFP under the pretence of bringing the ‘rule of law’ to the “savages” of the region then we are complicit as beneficiaries in the death and destruction that follows.

While we await the decision of the High Court of Australia in the Julian Moti affair, it is worth giving some thought to the current plight of a man who ventured to put the interests of the indigenous people of the Pacific above those of his own self-interest. He attempted to shatter the mirror of illusion that Australian society is so fond of gazing into, for this, he was branded an anti-Australian ‘trouble-maker’ and removed from the scene. We’ll have to wait to see if justice prevails.

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Andy Mason via Facebook

    True, they are our resources and we do pay a high price for someone elses comfort. Is this fair? If the good men remain silent…

  2. Bill Coe via Facebook

    Funny we lose our resources, lives. culture and language, white fella gets the benefit and we are then labled criminals…

  3. My hart aches when I’m forced to standby and watch my Dreaming being stolen by white men and sold to yellow men for the benefit of other white men, where is the justice in that?

  4. Sally Glass via Facebook

    Everyone would be happier if we were just given back control of our lives and resources. White Australia can keep its cities and towns, the rest should come back to those who really own it – Aboriginal Australians

  5. Bill Wheatley via Facebook

    When you think about it in the way it has just been presented, there are real issues that need to be considered. Who owns Australia’s resources if the answer is the Crown or multi-national mining companies the next question is how were they aquired by these entities?

  6. Felicity Keen via Facebook

    A very good point Estelle Dunlop, the real cost might be more than a lot of people would be prepared to pay.

  7. Jenifer Trees via Facebook

    Destruction brought about by greed, there is no excuse, no reason just plain old fashioned selfishness. Where is all this going to lead us? To our own destruction.

  8. Mahmud Ahsan via Facebook

    Jenifer Trees if we turn our heads to All’ah all will be revealed. There is room for the soul and materialism, what is happening is that money is filling in for the soul as well. This cannot go on for ever.

  9. Mick Donaldson via Facebook

    The act of colonisation imposed upon the politically fragmented and linguistically and culturally diverse peoples of Solomon Islands Solomon Islands, independent Commonwealth nation (2005 est. pop. 538,000), c.15,500 sq mi (40,150 sq km), SW Pacific, E of New Guinea. The islands that constitute the nation of the Solomon Islands—Guadalcanal, Malaita, New Georgia, the Santa Cruz Islands, a monolithic set of foreign laws and customs. In many parts of the islands, most famously on the densely populated island of Malaita, these laws were fiercely resisted. Local traditional or customary law, described here under the rubric RUBRIC, civil law. The title or inscription of any law or statute, because the copyists formerly drew and painted the title of laws and statutes rubro colore, in red letters. Ayl. Pand. B. 1, t. 8; Diet. do Juris. h.t. of kastom law, was invoked as a symbol of resistance against foreign hegemony in general and the imposition of colonial law in particular. The Constitution adopted at Independence in 1978 enshrined a complex legal pluralism This article is about the concept of legal pluralism. For other uses of the term see, see Pluralism.
    Legal pluralism allows for moral laws that are unwritten as formal laws. in which two distinct sources of law, introduced law and kastom law, have not always sat together comfortably. The Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI RAMSI Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands ), with its focus on arresting and prosecuting ex-militants and others for crimes committed and allegedly committed during the recent period of conflict (1998-2003), has effectively bolstered the introduced law that is only one strand in the Solomons’ pluralist legal system. Malaitans have responded to the RAMSI intervention by invoking kastom as a symbol of difference, unity and resistance, just as they have done many times in the past. It is argued here that RAMSI is the latest ‘alien’ to attract the symbolic opposition of Malaitan kastom and that this provides a useful, perhaps alternative, lens through which to interpret Malaitan articulations of resistance to RAMSI.

  10. Phillipa Coe via Facebook

    Theft is theft what is ours is not yours. As Sally Glass said, keep your cities but leave our resources alone.

  11. Mick Glass via Facebook

    Europeans wasted their own resources in futile wars now they want to waste ours on futile greed, when will white fella learn that its not all about money?

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