Yet another explanation needed by Ernst & Young …

In the words of a renowned Australian xenophobe, please explain, Ernst & Young. First, you employ an Indigenous Australian man (aka ‘Pat’) to work in your Canberra office, having sourced him through your own recruiting head-hunter Tanya Taylor. He leaves of his own accord to return to the ACT Public Service. During his first tenure as an ACT Public Servant he becomes aware of a large amount of money missing from the ACT Home Loan Portfolio and  brings it to the attention of the appropriate officials. After returning to the ACT Public Service, this time the ACT Department of Treasury he again attempts to bring the missing money to the attention of his superiors. From here on, this man is subjected to a progressively worsening tirade of racial abuse. When he was offered the role in Treasury, without having lodged an application and accepted a role as the ACT Commissioner for Revenue and acting Director Revenue Management Branch, he was immediately attacked by way of complaint by an unsuccessful applicant for the role (aka ‘the Inquisitor’), who cites YOUR RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST Tanya Taylor as the source of some of his information. The Inquisitor racially abuses Pat on several occasions, taunts him and attacks his friends, including committing an indecent assault on Australia’s most senior Aboriginal female banking executive witnessed by several people, and still you protect him. Not only do you protect him, but your own staff make racially abusive and threatening comments on Blak and Black toward Bakchos for his efforts in trying to have these issues resolved, ten years after the whole affair began.

The most recent comment left on Black and Black appeared on April 26. The gutless pillowcase wearing wonder who left this comment placed it on a post over a year old, dated April 7th 2011, entitled The Australian Federal Police spark racial hatred in Australia. The comment was left by someone who identifies closely with you, one Tom Payne. Remember him? You published a disclaimer on your website which was also picked up by, denouncing the comments of this racist bigot and declaring that you had never employed anyone by that name. The statement failed to address the substance of the issues being raised on Blak and Black, and in fact suggested you were aware of Pat’s dilemma by stating that you would not be making any further comment. If you remember, I wrote a reply to your statement indicating that I believe you to be liars and admonishing your naivety for not admitting that Tom Payne would almost certainly be an alias.

Well, Mr McLeod and the rest of you at Ernst & Young, perhaps you should have dug a little deeper rather than telling us to “speak to the hand”. Tom Payne, it would seem, may well work for Ernst & Young. Take a close look at his most recent comment left on the blog post from April 7th, 2011. It is a pingback. A pingback is generated when one website links to another website through a piece of text within which is embedded some invisible HTML code. It’s a rather nice way of linking to a source without breaking the flow of an article. So, when I write a post and link to your website, as I will be doing when I hit publish for this post, it may generate a pingback notifying you that there is a link to Ernst & Young on Blak and Black.

Now the question must be asked, if this is how a pingback is generated, if Tom Payne does not work at Ernst & Young, how could the pingback have been generated? If Tom Payne did not work within the bounds of Ernst & Young and had not placed something on the EY website with a HTML link to the Blak and Black post of April 7th, 2011, how was it generated?

Another interesting fact – the pingback is a one way message. It’s a bit like sending and email. Once it’s gone, you generally cannot recall the message. So the original HTML link used to create the pingback could be deleted from the originating website without disabling the connection at Blak and Black. It would take but a moment to create and delete the originating source text/link if the person doing so knew what they were doing. The pingback itself can be broken if the website or text to which it is connected is no longer online, which would generate a failure to connect, but that’s not what’s happening with Tom Payne’s latest racist drivel. Question is, Ernst & Young, what has he embedded the HTML in?

And the plot thickens. The comment is itself visible only from the administrator’s panel, which is why we’ve had to take a screen shot for the world to see what gutless wonders you really are. You will note that the shot includes other contemporaneous comments and the IP address through which Tom Payne apparently sent his missive.  The pingback itself is attached to the user ID, namely Tom Payne, who uses a particularly interesting word in his comment that I believe is considered utterly disgusting in America. That word would be “nigger”, also used in the original abusive Tom Payne comment. Such a pejorative term, although known in the Antipodes, is by no means common down here. Given that the IP address of the most recent comment tracks back to Chicago Illinois where one of your largest and most prestigious offices is located, I am wondering if Tom Payne is either an American or someone who has relocated to the States from Australia, perhaps even the Australian Capital Territory.

Another reason for me to suspect that Tom Payne is American is the identical phonetic between his name and that of the renowned American revolutionary and Founding Father Tom Paine. The Founding Father became a citizen of Pennsylvania, in late 1774 or 1775 and was apparently a supporter of negro birth rights. My strong suspicion is that the abusive and narrow-minded git who has chosen this phonetically similar name has deliberately used a misspelling to express his true views about people of colour in general. He’s taking a swipe at the Founding Father himself.

I’m not finished. The two posts on which Tom Payne has left his moniker have both addressed issues of corruption in the Australian Federal Police. Just how closely are EY and the AFP in bed together? The post of April 7th 2011 is about Ms. Jill Courtney, who the NSW Supreme Court found was effectively fitted up by the Australian Federal Police and committed to a jail term on the basis of unsubstantiated evidence. Curiously, Ms. Courtney’s case was listed on the very day that the latest abusive comment was left on Blak and Black for a directions hearing. Could it be that the AFP were given a rap over the knuckles for dragging their heels in this compensation case and somehow, that interests EY’s Tom Payne?

The other post on which Tom Payne has left an abusive comment is Anti-Aboriginal racism rife in the Australian community. This post points out how Australian police treat Indigenous Australians with suspicion. The post itself is really about how the Australian tertiary education system discriminates against Indigenous Australian educators and makes the point that this extends to more favourable treatment extended to non-Indigneous Australians when it comes to entering university. It all makes your recent crowing about ongoing recognition by DiversityInc seem rather far-fetched, don’t you think?

By the way, I noticed you dropped a place in the overall rankings and for those who don’t remember from my post on diversity, Ernst & Young don’t even get a mention when it comes to the employment and retention of black employees.

Now, Ernst & Young, given that these fragments of truth have for once got their pants on before the lies and run round the world to this little blog before you’ve even got out of bed on Monday morning, perhaps you could rethink whether or not the ubiquitous Tom Payne is in your office in Chicago, New York, Canberra or some other location; what his possible interest could be with relation to issues of corruption and criminal activity in which the Australian Federal Police are intimately involved; and how he could possibly have known about the damage inflicted upon Bakchos’ car last weekend, which was apparently intended to cause his death. Yes, that’s right, all four of the tyres on Bakchos’ car were let down last weekend. Its not the first time Bakchos’ car has been targeted either. Regular commenters of Blak and Black would remember a comment on September 23rd of last year in which his car registration was listed in a threat by a commenter identifying himself as Paul.

My mother taught me never to say anything that I would regret, but apparently yours’ did not. All that Blak and Black has sought is the truth about what the Inquisitor did with the former Commissioner’s Ernst & Young file. That is still all that Blak and Black seeks, with a view to ending the racism and corruption that has festered and harmed so many people. It should not be seen as an unreasonable demand. From the information provided at Blak and Black, Ernst & Young have deliberately and purposefully assisted the Australian Federal Police and the ACT Department of Treasury in destroying the lives of the former Commissioner for ACT Revenue and his family and continue to do so. It is past time to account for your actions and that of those in your employ and put an end to the lies and the destruction of innocent lives.

Will you sign the petition calling for a Royal Commission into the Australian Federal Police?
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This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Anne Shiny via Facebook

    And people say racism does not exist in this country. They say our leaders don’t condone it, but there’s the proof that they in fact do.

  2. Bakchos

    I can confirm that the information ‘Tom Payne’ included in his pingback from Ernst and Young (‘E&Y’) about what happened to my car is factually correct. It really is about time that E&Y started telling the truth about certain things including what happened to ‘Pats’ E&Y personnel file.

  3. The real problem here is that Aborigines are so poorly regarded in Australia that no threat, no slander is too great. If Bakchos, ‘Pat’ and the rest were white these issues would have been resolved years ago. Now it looks like the only option is the UN.

  4. Yes Jen, if we we’re white and not black the issue would not exist, at least in this format. E&Y failed to protect ‘Pats’ personnel information, the integrity of their own files and ‘Pats’ professional and personal reputation. It was all done to protect a racist!

  5. Mahmud Ahsan via Facebook

    Bakchos Glass you’re correct the problem is racism – nithing more and nothing less. As you would say ‘whitie’ has more rights than the blackfully – why? All’ah be praised – he’s white!

  6. Andy Mason via Facebook

    How about some justice for the blackfellas. Mr Ernst and Young you know as well as I do that the “Inquisitor’ with the help of Tanya Taylor changed ‘Pats’ personnel file. Fess-up, let the “inquisitor’ face charges for what he did and ‘Pat’ have his name cleared – that sounds like justice to me! If some members of the filth – you will know who I mean and a memeer or former member of the ACT Legislative Assembly all so get charged, what a great day that would be for Australia’s Democracy – so hao about it Mr Ernst and Young do you have the balls to tell the truth?

  7. Andy Mason probably the blackfella will have to wait a long time for justice from a whitie only corporation like E&Y but we at Blak and Black have long memories. Anyway the whole thing is on track for the UN so lets see. I wounder if EY are aware that one of their lawyers they are subcontracting to the ATO is confiding in a Sydney psychic about peoples confidential tax records. Something about the Australian subsidery of a US based aircraft manufacturer and dodgy input credits on the bogus sale of a plan to NZ and its return to Australia. Naughty EY very naughts!

  8. Paulo Flores I certainly hope that you and Bakchos Glass succeed in getting these matters to the United Nations that’s where they need to be. “Pat’ has obviously been the victim of a racially motivated hate campaign stsrted by ACT Treasury and continued by the ALP and the ACT Government.

  9. Tom Ashby via Facebook

    Sounds like an admission of attempted murder to me followed by a threat to kill. The crime for which the threat has been made in response is “Bakchos was born Aboriginal” don’t they call this a lynchin’ in the United States? This should be referred to the FBI!

  10. Bill Coe via Facebook

    Tom Ashby sounds like an attempted lunchin’ to me as well, thats what they call whitie ‘just-us’ cause it ain’t for no blackfellas.

  11. Hey Tom Payne why don’t you and that four eyed guttless cunt mate of yours from PWC come and tell me to my face that I’m a nigger and see what happens to you, you lilly white piece of racist shit. I spoke to Bakchos Glass last night, if you had anything to do whit what happened, you may have caused a problem that will make the LR riots seem like a Sunday School picnic.

  12. Uncle Reg Glass when Bakchos Glass was going to his car last night he was attacked by a group of what I could only describe to E&Y Klu Klux Klan members. They placed a pillowcase over his head, a noose around his neck and poured petrol over him. Paulo Flores tells me that he was really ill before this happened. Something about chest problems. I’d like to see those sick cunts try that on me or on Bakchos when he is well. Anyway we’ll findout who did it. The name Nick was mentioned during the assault.

  13. Mahmud Ahsan via Facebook

    WTF? is he OK?

  14. Mahmud Ahsan not sure he’s not really speaking about it. All I got from him is he thinks he knows two of them and it’s related to the theft of the $130,000,000.00 from the ACT Home Loan Portfolio by the ALP. E&Y must be linked into the theft somehow. When I last phoned his mate Sean answered the phone. If he dies I think the shit will hit the fan big time.

  15. Anne Shiny via Facebook

    So, the KKK do exist in Australia. Gutless racist wonders. I am absolutely appalled at the manner in which Bakchos has been and continues to be treated. After a lifetime of hardship, largely at the hands of a racially biased and intolerant nation, he suffered more hardship than most non-Indigenous people can ever imagine. And after all this, he still considers himself to be an Australian. He is the gadfly in this country’s democracy. He seeks only one thing – for the law to act as it purports, treating each person with equality and justice. Indeed David Harrison, there will be many people to answer if so much as a hair on Bakchos’ head is deliberately harmed or he is terrorised again. Australia, you disgust me. How can you let this happen?

  16. I have spoken to Bakchos Glass about what happened on Monday night – Yes Anne Shiny the KKK do exist in Oz, only here they go by AFP or E&Y.

  17. Anne Shiny via Facebook

    Melissa, as mentioned on an earlier post, there’s research being done on the pingbacks. They are somewhat curious.

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