The following is an unfinished saga of racism & corruption; about how far one jurisdiction will go to cover up their misdeeds, the people who are complicit & the Australian First Nations man sacrificed to the God of Prosperity.
In 1999 Mark Mullins was investigating the misappropriation of money from the ACT Department of Urban Services (DUS) to the Australian Labor Party (ALP). He departed in April 2000, as did Cathy Kosmidis. Although undated this letter was clearly written whilst both were with DUS.
Mullins made a short foray into the corporate world with the Ernst & Young Canberra office before being asked to consider applying for a position as a SOG A with ACT Treasury by Graeme Dowell Commissioner for ACT Revenue. He was selected for the role by an independent panel in 2001.
In September 2001, Mullins sought approval from his line managers to undertake an unpaid role as a Director with a NSW Aboriginal co-operative. This minute evidences the approval of Director Graeme Dowell, Deputy Under Treasurer Tu Pham & Chief Exec Treasury Howard Ronaldson.
On 8 May 2002, ACT Deputy Chief Exec Treasury Tu Pham announced Mark Mullins had been appointed as the Commissioner for Revenue for an ongoing three months. His intention was to proceed with an investigation of Rates and Land Taxes to investigate a claim made by Allan Wylucki.
On 9 May 2002 Mullins was the subject of racism & a breach of confidentiality by an ACT Government employee. The letter was written by Angel Marina, Manager Rates and Land Taxes & Mullins subordinate. Marina sourced information via the Australian Federal Police (AFP) & Ernst & Young Australia “friends”. The writer requested that Mullins be dismissed due to his aboriginality. Access used to compile this letter was made under false pretenses, illegal & breaching confidentiality. The claim that he was assisting in preparing “applications and work histories” gratis for refugees, Indigenous & the disadvantaged, broke no ACT Public Service rules and was endorsed as it was a voluntary role with an Aboriginal co-operative, as stated earlier in reply to his letter of September 2001.

Note must be made of Marina’s denial of any involvement in a large sum of missing money, $130 million or that he had “defrauded the land tax system”, a concern raised by Allan Wylucki with Mullins in a verbal disclosure regarding the disparity of land tax on commercial buildings in the ACT. Wylucki was a prominent real estate agent who passed in 2002 from cancer. The annual ACT Development Award given by the ACT Branch of the Property Council of Australia is named for him. The only remaining allusion to his disclosure is in Marina’s 9 May 2002 letter.
Marina’s blatantly undermining letter had been addressed to the Chief Executive Howard Ronaldson. Taken aback by its racist content Ronaldson made a copy and noted upon that copy that he gave it to his Executive Assistant Christine Roberts & signed it. He sent this signed copy to Mullins for his attention. Ronaldson gave the original of the 9 May 2002 letter to his EA to be passed on for internal investigation. It should have gone to Director Corporate Services Meredith Whitten but it’s actual course remains unclear. Ronaldson’s actions have been crucial in seeking #Justice4Mullins.
Mullins received the signed copy of Marina’s letter to Ronaldson the same day. He immediately emailed his line manager Tu Pham, who would later deny any knowledge of racial vilification against Mullins or of the letter. Mullins also unsuccessfully attempted to lodge a complaint regarding the racism & lies in Marina’s letter to AFP Police Officer Mark Coppin at Civic Police Station. The AFP would also later go on to try deny this claim arguing that Coppin had not been on duty that day, a fact that would go on to be disproved by their own records.
Six weeks after receiving the letter with just 12 months in the ACT Public Service, Ronaldson resigned as Chief Executive ACT Treasury. He was lauded in the Legislative Assembly by Deputy Chief Minister, Treasurer & Minister for Police Ted Quinlan. With Ronaldson’s departure, Tu Pham became Acting Chief Exeutive.

Marina’s letter of 9 May 2002 including the various breaches of confidentiality & the blatant racism was never investigated. The ACT Government continue to deny receiving it. This despite reference to it being handed over to the AFP in 2004, but we will come to that later.
In 2002, a terms of reference was approved by the Acting ACT Chief Executive of Treasury, Tu Pham to audit Rates and Land Taxes in response to the Wylucki disclosure. An independent external third party, Acumen Alliance, was engaged to conduct the audit. The Acumen Special Audit found that there was potential for precisely the type of fraud identified by Wylucki to have occurred. This report was to form the basis of a more thorough investigation of the ACT Treasury’s Rates and Land Taxes unit. Marina attempted to undermine the validity of the independently conducted audit into his section. Unsuccessful in seeking information without authorization, he lodged a grievance against Mullins, along with colleagues who were also being performance managed.
It is from this point that Marina’s attacks on Mullins and any friend who supported him escalated. Martin D’Este was verbally bullied by Marina in a lift in the ACT Nara Centre. Marina also bullied Robert Lewis who complained to Mullins. Lewis sought the assistance of a clinical psychologist, Dr Jillian Fleming. He was hospitalized around the same time having been taken from the ACT Nara Centre whilst at work.
Others witnessed racially motivated physical and verbal assaults made directly upon Mullins in the workplace by Marina, including one witnessed by Glen Gaskill. Remember, Mullins was Marina’s line manager at the time.
On 30 May 2003, Mullins was interviewed by Paul Casimir and Emma Ralph of the Public Service Commission, in which he detailed the racism and bullying he had endured by Marina and that these had been discussed with both Pham and Whitten. Of note is several mentions regarding implementation of a new Rates System for the ACT. This is of particular interest given the concerns raised by Wylucki and the outcome of the Acumen Alliance Special Audit. Also of note is that both Pham & Whitten maintain that there were no complaints made by Mullins whilst he worked at ACT Treasury regarding racial vilification or bullying. They also assert that there was no audit. This minute recorded by the PSC provides evidence of both.
Mullins submitted a PID on 27 June 2003 to ACT Chief Minister & Attorney-General Jon Stanhope. As ACT Commissioner for Revenue, Mullins had a responsibility to investigate & report fraud & failures of probity. Stanhope, as chief legal officer would know this. The ACT Government denies receiving this PID which outlined crimes within the ACT Government. However, in 2005 the Ombudsman would note reference to the PID in ACT archives. In failing to investigate the allegations in Mullins PID of 27 June 2003 Stanhope allowed everything that followed.
Concerned about the direction being taken with the ACTPS enquiries led by Casimir and Ralph, Mullins wrote to Boris Budak, the officer overseeing the grievance inquiry against him in August 2003 attaching Marina’s letter of 9 May 2002. Budak ceased the investigation due to the underlying racism. He sought an explanation from the ACT Govt Solicitor Philip Mitchell and Acting Chief Executive Tu Pham to address the racism in Marina’s letter. Budak was admitted to the NSW Bar in 1998 & had skills in mediation & dispute resolution.
In September 2003, Marina was found going through Mullins office, which had been locked by Mullins PA. Around the same time, Marina was facilitated access to Mullins personnel file by Louise Fitzgerald, Manager Corporate Services for the Chief Ministers & Treasury Department. Upon finding his confidentiality had again been breached, Mullins demanded copies of the contents of his personnel file from the Director Corporate Services Meredith Whitten. She provided him with a covering letter listing the documents and copies of same.

Mullins also wrote a statutory declaration witnessed by Joseph Tonna regarding this incident in which Marina was caught invading his privacy & stealing documents from his office. Under oath 2017, Tonna testified that the signature was his own.
The Manager Rates & Land Taxes, namely Marina, reported to the Commissioner for Revenue, namely Mullins. The Manager Human Resources & Corporate Services Louise Fitzgerald reported to the Director Corporate Services, namely Whitten. Note that Whitten’s letter required both Marina and Fitzgerald to provide written responses to the allegations made by Marina by 27 October 2003. Mullins never saw those replies. It would seem that their requirement was never enforced by Whitten or anyone else in the ACT Government. The deterioration in Mullins workplace safety escalated rapidly from this breach and the lack of action by Whitten emboldened Marina.
The ACT Government was now aware that Mullins confidentiality had been breached on multiple occasions. In combination with Marina’s letter of 9 May 2002, they were also aware that Fitzgerald had misused her position to provide access to Mullins personnel file by Marina, an employee acting without authority, at least twice. Neither she nor Marina has ever been held accountable.
The racial vilification & invasion of his privacy in his ACT Government workplace took a severe toll on Mullins. He sought treatment for depression from Dr Jillian Fleming between September & December 2003, upon the recommendation of Robert Lewis.
On 19 November 2003 Mullins was advised he was being removed from his role as Commissioner for Revenue to a job at the same level. The re-assignment preceded his response to the report written by Casimir and Ralph of the grievances against him. He had been advised his response was due by 21 November. Mullins responded to Pham’s denial of natural justice in re-assigning before his response had been considered and her appointment of another officer in a letter dated 12 December 2003.
On 9 December 2003 Mullins lodged another PID with Pham who was still Acting Chief Executive of Treasury. As with other documents, Pham denies receiving that disclosure.
Despairing of every receiving the support and fairness which he should have been afforded, Mullins was prepared to leave the ACT Public Service. He sought advice from Life Coach Trish Cameron on the advice of his lawyers Bradley Allen.
Mullins further wrote to Tu Pham on 12 December, 2003. Pham denied receiving this letter despite the file copy in ACT Govt archives with her signature. However, in an email dated 15 December 2003, Whitten refers to Mullins letter to Pham three days earlier & recommends commencing an investigation into the racism he had endured, sounding a warning about the risk of a claim of constructive dismissal.
Also on 15 December 2003, in a minuted meeting involving Pham she indicated to Mullins that she was reticent to respond to Mullins letter of 12 December. Meredith Whitten was present at that meeting and was the minute taker. Pham’s subsequent actions only serve to bolster the assumption that her motivations were racist & self-preserving.
On 18 December 2003 Marina sought information about Mullins from Ernst & Young Australia’s Canberra office. Marina held no authority. Recruitment Consultant Gillian Morphett responded the same day providing Marina with documents allegedly from Mullins personnel file. Morphett stated in her reply to Marina that she was releasing the material under National Privacy Principles. The NPP relied upon related only to law enforcement agencies, excluding ACT Treasury & Marina who was not a law enforcement officer within the meaning of the NPP. #Justice4Mullins has evidence that Marina approached other agencies seeking information on Mullins, including the ANZ Bank, but was unsuccessful in his attempts due to their prudence in adhering to strict confidentiality practices.
Marina submitted a Public Interest Disclosure (PID) to Whitten alleging fraud by Mullins, allegedly on 19 December 2003. It included alleged emails between Marina & the University of London. The University have consistently denied any record of communication with Marina. Note that the documents Marina had “received” were not on Mullins’s personnel file 9.5 weeks earlier when Whitten provided written confirmation regarding the contents of Mullins personnel file. In line with whistleblower legislation the content of Marina’s PID were not disclosed to Mullins. Marina relied upon this protection to disable Mullins ability to refute the PID contents. We will return to Marina’s PID later to examine its fraudulent & misleading contents.
Unaware of Marina’s PID, Mullins lawyers wrote to Pham’s line manager, Chief Exec Mike Harris on 22 December 2003. It presaged an action in the Australian Human Rights Commission against Pham for racism for her poor management of Angel Marina’s attacks against Mullins.
In January 2004 the ongoing stress forced Mullins on sick leave. He was stood down on 30 January 2004 whilst on leave citing claims that he had falsified his qualifications. He was unaware that this claim stemmed from the Marina PID.
On 6 Feb 2004 Mullins doctor declared him unfit for work. He had seen psychologist Dr Jillian Fleming several times in the preceding 12 months as he struggled with depression brought on by the conflict.
Acting Chief Executive of Treasury Tu Pham called Mullins to a disciplinary meeting on 6 February 2004 in the presence of Glen Gaskill & Chief Executive Mike Harris. Contravening standard disciplinary processes, Mullins was not permitted a support person & no minutes were kept. This is important as no independent witness or documentation was able to be sourced if required at a later date.
On 12 February 2004, Mullins was officially dismissed from the ACT Public Service. Mullins had provided Pham with a copy of Marina’s letter of 9 May 2002 prior to her actions in dismissing him seeking an explanation for her decisions. She disregarded his enquiry. In dismissing Mullins whilst the subject of a grievance by him, Pham acted with apprehended bias. Having been notified by Mullins lawyers in writing on 22 December 2003 that Mullins held grave concerns about Pham’s conduct, Chief Executive Mike Harris should have intervened to prevent Mullins dismissal.
Finalization of the Acumen Special Audit which had been scheduled for March 2004 was delayed. The damaging material relating to Marina was removed by the Audit Committee and the audit was only finalized after Mullins had left the ACT Public Service.
At this point Marina’s letter of 9 May 2002 reappears, with Executive Director Glen Gaskill advising Mullins in writing on 26 February 2004 that he had handed it over to the AFP. Gaskill also confirmed that he handed other documents over to the AFP. Marina’s letter of 9 May 2002 letter has not been seen since. It is one of several documents to have disappeared for which there is independent evidence of existence.

In September 2004, Mullins’ home was the subject of a search warrant led by Constable Rowena Penfold of ACT Policing. Penfold admitted under oath that she didn’t keep records of all the documents she seized from Mullins house & that in doing so she knowingly breached AFP protocol. The material that Penfold lost after the raid included all of the original material linking the ALP to the missing $130,000,000 mentioned in Marina’s letter of 9 May 2002.
On 26 June 2005, the Ombudsman confirmed that the ACT Government held a letter of complaint that Mullins wrote to Chief Minister Jon Stanhope complaining about racism. This is of importance later in the timeline.

Marina’s bullying of Mullins and his family continued after his dismissal, spilling into his private life. In December 2005 while lunching at the Waldorf Café, Mullins former wife, the most senior Indigenous female banking executive in Australia at the time, was indecently assaulted by Marina. Mullins was also assaulted by Marina. AFP Officers at Civic Police Station refused to take a statement immediately after the assaults & deny ever having received a complaint despite witnesses. Statements were taken from three witnesses, including a minister of religion. Mr Hart made a contemporaneous statement to the ACT Government who lied about referring the complaint to the AFP for investigation.
Complaints regarding ongoing racism experienced by Mullins from Marina were made to the ACT Government. Although they deny knowledge, this is countered by a witness who wrote directly to the ACT Govt regarding Ms Mullins assault. No follow up occurred despite the reply.
Mullins raised the refusal of staff at Civic Police Station to assist with Chief Police Officer Audrey Fagan in 2005. She promised to investigate the assault on Ms Mullins. The matter remains unresolved with Fagan’s death on 20 April 2007.
Chief Police Officer Michael Phelan succeeded Fagan & advised Mullins that the AFP didn’t have the original of Marina’s 9 May 2002 letter, contradicting Gaskill’s advice in February 2004. Phelan refused to investigate Mullins dismissal or Ms Mullins assault. Phelan also refused to investigate Mullins complaints of intimidation of Ms Mullins’ ill father by Constable Nick Maguire in the period after Mullins dismissal from ACT Treasury.
In 2007, Mullins lodged a PID with the AEC regarding the theft & transfer of $130,000,000 from the ACT Home Loan Portfolio to NSW ALP. The same PID had been lodged with the ACT Govt in 2000. The AEC advised that it was powerless to investigate.
On 6 March 2008, Greens MLA Deb Foskey asked Chief Minister Stanhope questions relating to #Justice4Mullins. Stanhope refused to respond regarding Auditor-General Tu Pham’s impartiality in the matter of Mullins dismissal or to consider the legality of Marina’s PID. Of note, both Andrew Barr & Katy Gallagher, who went on to become the next two Chief Ministers, were ACT MLAs at the time these questions were posed to the parliament.
In 2011, EY Australia distanced themselves from threats & racial intimidation against #Justice4Mullins by a supposed employee, Tom Payne. The statement was on both their website & the accounting website Big4.

The 2011, denunciation of racism by EY Australia failed to acknowledge that Mullins was exposed to these attacks, because the accounting firm breached Mullins privacy in providing information to an unauthorized and malfeasant ACT Government employee. “Tom Payne” continued with his attempts at intimidation for some time.
In 2013 in the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal, the ACT Government implored the Commonwealth Ombudsman to state that a letter dated 26 June 2005 from its office to Mullins noting a reference to a PID of 27 June 2003 was fake. The Ombudsman asserted it was genuine & noted on file. The Ombudsman confirmed to ACAT that the letter signed by them is genuine, standing by its content. Mullins had gone to ACAT expecting that his application would be dismissed, opening an avenue to the UN as all local avenues for redress would then have been exhausted.
Under the leadership of Chief Minister Katy Gallagher the ACT Government complained to the AFP following the ACAT result. Mullins was charged with fraud in 2015 over the contents of an affidavit purportedly submitted to the ACAT, including documents such as the Ombudsman’s letter.
Two weeks prior to Mullins ACT Supreme Court appearance, the ACT DPP conducted witness proofing with former ACT Chief Executive Howard Ronaldson. He clearly stated that the letter dated 9 May 2002 is the one that he received from Marina.
Mullins ACT Supreme Court trial was held in March 2017 before a jury. Challenged in court by Mullins Sydney legal team, the prosecution were unable to produce the original of Mullins’ supposed 2013 affidavit to ACAT. The case relied upon a copy of an “affidavit” including grammatical & typographical errors. The prosecution case was clearly shown to be a sham attempting to fit up an innocent man. The jury found against the prosecution on all charges with the AFP losing in the ACT Supreme Court 16-0.
The attempt to prosecute Mullins on the basis of a copied and incoherent document demonstrated the hubris of the ACT Government and DPP. Procedure is that a copy of an affidavit is served on the other side’s legal representative. In the case of the ACT Government it would have been the ACT Government Solicitor. At the time, this was Peter Garrison, Chief Solicitor since 2004, who had commenced with the Government Solicitor’s Office in 1999 as Deputy Chief Solicitor. If the ACT Government Solicitor was served with a copy of the Mullins affidavit in 2013 (in either PDF or hardcopy) with an original ACAT stamp as alleged, then why:
- did they not tender it into evidence in 2017 in the ACT Supreme Court?
- was the DPP unable to source the original (which may have been in either PDF or hardcopy) that should have been held by the ACAT?
- were Mullins’ lawyers billing him for preparing the affidavit for another 3 weeks (bills being paid) after the 2013 date on the copy produced in court by the AFP?
The ACAT held no affidavit from Mullins; the copy tendered into evidence was fraudulent, the very charges for which Mullins was being tried and with carried a maximum of ten years per charge, totaling a potential 160 years in prison.
The obfuscation continued with Pham swearing that she had received no written complaints from Mullins regarding racism. Her testimony was untruthful. This letter references a complaint dated 9 December 2003 & supports other references already in this review. The ACT DPP facilitated Pham’s lies in failing to hand over documents in the brief of evidence for the 2017 trial that were relevant to Pham’s cross examination and shed light upon her “memory lapses”.
Remember that no minutes were kept at Mullins dismissal on 12 February 2004 and that he was not permitted a support person. He argued at the time that he had been the victim of a “fit-up” with his responses going undocumented. Continuing the evidential farce, the ACT DPP attempted to submit minutes at the 2017 trial supposedly taken during the dismissal. Devoid of attendee signatures with no one recognizing them, they were not tendered.
The one person in the ACT Government to show any integrity has been Howard Ronaldson. He has consistently acknowledged the veracity of the letter of 9 May 2002. In the ACT Supreme Court, he swore that he received the letter of 9 May 2002 and that the copy in Mullins possession held his original signature. Forensic analysis of the copy sent to Mullins with Ronaldson’s original signature determined that the signature is genuine, supporting Ronaldson’s assertion to its authenticity
Challenging claims that Mullins attempted to complain to the ACT Police about Marina’s letter, the prosecution asserted that Mullins could not have spoken to AFP Officer Mark Coppin on 9 May 2002 regarding Marina’s letter as Coppin was not on duty. The Civic Police Station cell log from that day demonstrates otherwise. In addition records accessed regarding Darren Bloomfield who was in the cells that day provide further evidence that AFP Officer Coppin was on duty the day that Mullins attempted to lodge a complaint about Marina’s racism.
Ultimately, the combination of the many inconsistencies and Mullins argument that the affidavit on which he was being prosecuted was not his creation was accepted by the jury. On 24 March 2017, Mullins was found not guilty on all 16 counts.
The “lapses” in Tu Pham’s memory had the potential to see Mullins convicted. The Mullins legal team maintain that the affidavit upon which charges were laid against Mullins was fabricated somewhere within the ACT Government or the AFP after the ACAT matter concluded. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the court case is that there was a clear attempt to fit up an innocent man. The jury saw through the inconsistencies. Why did the AFP proceed with charges and force a costly trial? The AFP has not investigated those responsible for the fit-up of Mullins and no non-Indigenous person has been held accountable. It is clear that #Indigenous lives do not matter to the AFP or the ACT Government.
Media that had sat through the entire case until the last day did not report the outcome. One must wonder – why are the media so disinterested in the fit-up of a First Nations man. One has to wonder if they believe that #BlackLivesMatter or are they all puppets for a corrupt ACT and AFP regime?
With the timeline now set out, we can turn our eyes to analysis of Marina’s PID, supposedly submitted on 19 December 2003. The PID contains an email chain, copies of academic transcripts supposedly belonging to Mullins and record of conversation prepared by Marina. The second page in the PID, the record of conversation, contains a number of apparently fraudulent statements.
Whitten’s letter to Mullins dated 13 October 2003 notes that there were no academic transcripts held in his ACT Government personnel file, so they could not have been sourced from within the files of Corporate Services.
The exchange between Marina & Ernst & Young’s Gillian Morphett is dated 18 December 2003. Marina described the transcripts to the University of London in detail on 17 December via email. He had to have a transcript to reference against at this time, but from whose it was and where it came from is dubious. One thing is certain – it could not have originated from EY.
Examination by an expert has demonstrated that the alleged PID email chain between Marina & the University of London could not be genuine, as the final email from the University was received by the ACT Government server 90 minutes BEFORE Marina’s enquiry reached London.

These inconsistencies raise several possibilities regarding Marina’s PID:
- The entire email chain is a fabrication.
- The email chain was altered.
- The call to the University of London never occurred.
- Marina had transcripts prior to contacting EY. Whose they were or where they came from is clouded in mystery.
- Information Mullins legal team has points to the Marina PID being backdated so that it preceded the letter of 22 December 2003 to Chief Executive Mike Harris, putting the ACT Government on notice that Mullins intended to pursue legal action against Pham for racism in the Human Rights Commission.
It is worth noting that Mullins asked Pham to explain how her actions were not racist in a letter to her dated 12 December 2003 which the ACT Government has on file. Further, as evidence by the email of 15 December 2003, Whitten recommended that the racism allegations made by Mullins be investigated. Pham couldn’t allow this to occur as the investigation would have included her actions.
In the email exchange Jo Thomas noted that she would be going to leave for two weeks as of Friday, 19 December 2003 at 2.00 pm and that should there be a delay in faxing copies of the transcripts there would be no response until she returned. A response in the New Year would make it more difficult to dismiss Mullins as a legal submission would have been made to the Australian Human Right Commission. This all needs to borne in mind that at the time, Chief Minister Jon Stanhope was drafting the nation’s first Human Rights Bill which came into effect on 1 July 2004. Consultation had been ongoing throughout 2003 preparing for this new legislation. Public exposure of the ills in the ACT Public Service had the potential to damage the legislation and tarnish its champion.

The ultimate failure to provide #Justice4Mullins is a cautionary tale of multiple people in positions of power & agencies with authority failing in their responsibilities to ensure workplace safety & natural justice to an #Indigenous man. The result of the 2017 trial is that attempts by the ACT Government & AFP to deny the existence of many documents has been successfully refuted.
Deliberate destruction or unintentional loss of evidence always warrants investigation. So why doesn’t the AFP investigate how Mullins came to be fitted up? Canberra Times reporter Jack Waterford put it succinctly in his article “Soft Cops are Soft –Soaping Us” in February 2019.
Members of the Mullins family suffer ongoing harassment for seeking #Justice4Mullins. On 15 May 2019 a property with personal effects of @BlakandBlack was robbed. Items stolen included all the documents in a filing cabinet relating to #Justice4Mullins. They had no monetary worth and could only have been taken with the intent to weaken the Mullins case. The stolen documents support a brief being prepared for a case prepared for the UN by New York lawyers. Other stolen items included jewellery & antiquities. Strangely, the office of Mullins lawyer in New York was robbed on the same evening with the same documents taken.

Whilst the #Justice4Mullins team can’t confirm online the identities of those involved in the $130,000,000 fraud, this background on the Marrickville-Enmore branches of the #ALP should be borne in mind.
What has become of those who perverted the course of #Justice4Mullins since 2004?
- Angel Marina remained in the ACT Government until sometime around early 2015. He joined the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture and Water Resources in 2017.
- Tu Pham completed her tenure as Auditor-General, going on to be appointed Adjunct Professor in the Centre for Clinical Governance Studies at the University of Canberra & is Director of her own company.
- Meredith Whitten, the manager with oversight of human resources & security of personnel files during Mullins nightmare tenure at ACT Treasury, departed ACT Treasury after 19 December 2003 and before 6 January 2004, before Mullins dismissal. She returned as Deputy Director-General Workforce Capability and Governance. She went on to chair the ACT Government Procurement Board, responsible for probity & transparency in contracting and procurement. She retired in 2019 with a great deal more dignity than she afforded the #Indigenous man who looked to her for workplace advice.
- Louise Fitzgerald has gone on to become Manager Employee Relations for the Chief Minister, Treasury & Economic Development Directorate of the ACT Govt
- Jon Stanhope remained as ACT Chief Minister until 12 May 2011. In 2012 he was appointed Administrator to the Cocos Islands and Chrstimas Island for a two year term. He has since found a role a political commentator for mainstream media in the Sydney Morning Herald and Canberra Times.
- Peter Garrison continues as the AFT Government Solicitor. He has ongoing involvement with Mullins fate since thee events of 2002.
- Rowena Penfold was a Sergeant in the AFP working on the AFP International Deployment Group Gender Strategy with Papua New Guinea, according to the AFP Annual Report for 2014-15.
- Mike Phelan resigned as ACT Chief Police Officer in 2010. He moved onto a role as the Deputy Commissioner for National Security with the Australian Federal Police before going on to be appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission on 13 November 2017.
- Nick Maguire remains a Detective Leading SErnior Constable with the AFP.
- Gillian Morphett has kept a very low profile, but is believed to still be working in recruitment.
Blatant disregard for the law and premeditation on the part of Angel Marina has been allowed to go unchecked by all these people with the consequence that a man has died. They have all had the opportunity to see their families grow and build their own careers.
In its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Agreement 2019-2028 the ACT commits to “…equitable access to justice and culturally safe restorative justice…” It is pure tokenism without #Justice4Mullins. Until those who racially vilified Mullins either actively or passively are held accountable for destroying the life of one of Australia’s most senior Indigenous public servants, justice has not been served. Hiding behind the guise of government should not be permitted.
The AFP & ACT Government continue to refuse to investigate the crimes of non-Indigenous people committed against Frist Nations people. Justice4Mullins & his family will only be realized when a transparent and thorough investigation is held into the issues and those responsible are held accountable, just as Mullins was forced to do in 2017.
It looks like a fit up to me. You know that Vietnamese are very racist. Clearly Tu Pham is no exception.