Nobody try and tell me that @ACTIntegrity hasn’t been politicised by the corrupt ACT Labor-Greens coalition government … they’re going after Walter Sofronoff because he embarrassed the darling little snowflakes in the ACT Legislative Assembly … the short, fat Labor appointed ACT Solicitor General engineered 16 fake but serious charges against me, arising out of an application I made to @aat_gov_au … I smashed fatso, ACT Policing and the ACTDPP 16-0 in the ACT Supreme Court … ACAT “lost” the original of the document I was charged on, so no detailed forensic examination possible … the DPP tried unsuccessfully to tender into evidence multiple forged documents that came out of the CMTEDD archive … multiple ACT government employees, past and present, lied under oath, the document I was charged on, had been clearly forged somewhere within the ACT government … the court refused to allow into evidence any evidence that called Angel Marina’s character into question … worse an ACT government solicitor, Katherine Law-Jamison lied to the ACT Supreme Court in a preliminary case, no accountability for Law-Jamison or the Solicitor General Peter Garrisson, or for Tu Pham or for Angel Marina. My barrister advised me that if I went down, I would have been looking at an 8-10 year stint in the slammer … the ACT Solicitor General also made it clear that he wanted an order that I take down if I lost … why did Garrisson want BnB taken down … because its content tends to expose serious corruption in ACT Labor and the ACT government more broadly. Yet none of this interests the ACT Integrity Commission … I wonder why 🤔

Media Update Integrity Commission announces investigation into the conduct of the Hon. Walter Sofronoff KC. 13 May 2024 On 5 April 2024, the ACT Integrity Commission (the Commission) issued a media alert confirming it had received and was assessing allegations of corruption regarding the conduct of the Hon Walter Sofronoff KC as it relates to the Board of Inquiry into the Criminal Justice System in the Australian Capital Territory (the Board). The Commissioner has completed his assessment of these allegations and has decided to commence an investigation into the impugned conduct as he suspects, on reasonable grounds, that Mr Sofronoff’s conduct may constitute corrupt conduct. On 1 February 2023, the Board was established and commenced under the Inquiries Act 1991 and Mr Sofronoff was appointed to conduct the inquiry. On 31 July 2023, the report resulting from the Board of Inquiry was delivered to the ACT Chief Minister. The allegations assessed by the Commissioner relate to the provision by Mr Sofronoff of his report to two journalists before it was made public by the Chief Minister, allegedly in breach of the requirements of the Inquiries Act 1991 and allegedly constituting corrupt conduct under the Integrity Commission Act 2018. As the investigation is ongoing, the Commission will not be making any further public comments at this time. Media contact: Media Team 6207 9263 or

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