Caricatures of circus performers in bright costume, performing all manner of nonsense.

Reposted with permission from

In halls where jesters once held sway,
Where laughter masked the disarray,
The ACT assembly, bright yet fraught,
Has danced to tunes of folly sought.

With painted smiles and antics grand,
They spun their tales with sleight of hand;
Yet underneath the vibrant guise,
The common voice was met with lies.

The ringmaster, with cunning flair,
Would juggle truths, yet none would care;
For while the clowns did prance and play,
The people’s needs were cast away.

A circus bright, a fleeting show,
Where shadows lurk and virtues slow,
It’s time to shift the spotlight’s beam,
And chase away this jester’s dream.

Let reason guide our hearts anew,
As we sift through the false and true;
For normalcy, that steady hand,
Can lead us back to solid land.

So cast your vote, let wisdom reign,
And free our minds from this refrain;
For in the quiet, strength is found,
To build a future, safe and sound.

No longer bound by circus lore,
Let dignity and hope restore;
The time has come to stand and say,
We seek a path, a brighter way.

So as the ballots find their place,
Remember well this solemn grace;
For in the choice that we will make,
Lies the power to awake.

Let clowns retreat from hallowed ground,
And let the voice of reason sound;
In unity, let us embark,
To light the way, to spark the dark.

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