Two offices separated by a wall. One side people review metrics on a chart, the other side people talk.

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  1. Peter MacGillivray

    Thanks mate, well that one certainly got the old grey matter bouncing around it’s all over the shop, trying to find context with my own experiences and observations. I understand you quoted professionals in law, accounting and consulting firms and assuming the development of public policy.
    I always try to read and analyse papers/discussion through a lens of “the social impacts of a warming planet ” and how to address the educative curve required for resilience and adaptation. Just a hobby for the past thirty years.
    The good wife, she who keeps me balanced, has been a public servant for
    Fifty-one years still goes to office everyday, working for and enabling Mob to achieve, damn proud of that woman .so I guess there’s that insight. But back to your paper and my thoughts.
    Governments come and go, and the values and priorities of one administration regarding policy development will quickly get turned arse about face when the new get voted in. With all that combined work by many sectors of the public service is put on the shelf to suffer decay in the passage of time, and never seen again. How does a committed public service deal with that, or the new administration move in see the research give it to a consulting firm who recommends selling it off to a private service provider to reduce risk.
    So how does a professional committed public service deal with that? Higher remuneration or is just hush money, you can’t be a whistle blower, that’s against the law. The Royal Commission into Robo-Debt was a window that allowed the general public observe this “life in a bubble” where a long evolved system of checks and balances was allowed to be bypassed by senior executives and bad actors in the political game. I think Catherine Holmes may have had a few chapters on this issue in her findings?
    It seems to me that line of multi generational knowledge and wisdom acquired by our public service in policy development has been severed and the motivation of the common good has be allowed a rebirthing that value adds modern technologies for a better good for the better good ,
    Which translates to us.
    Sorry mate ,waffling on a bit there at the end. The buttons on my phone are small and I can only type with one finger. Getting slack now , not even going to check what I wrote so I apologise for all typo’s
    Controlled environmental systems is my pathway for how the general public can support a public service to meet the challenges of climate in a two degree world . I would value your opinion on what we are trying to develop, up here on
    The Capricorn Line. Cheers mate

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