Capt Fred Martens, who I’ve written about extensively on Blak and Black, has asked me to post this open letter to the public about the plight of his children in PNG. The sole reason his children are in their current situation is because of an act of bastardry by the AFP and an illegal prosecution by the AFP and the CDPP to further Australia’s neo-colonial interests in PNG. I’ll let Capt Martens speak to readers in his own words. The content is as received …

Dear Mark

Blak and Black

Children in Peril

This is not something that is easily put together, suddenly I have lumps in my throat, tears in my eyes, and knots in my stomach and not able to make the words comes easily.  Knowing it is not what has been done to me since my arrest in August 2004, it is more the punishment that the children have had to suffer and are still suffering in consequence as a result of the corrupted conduct of the Australian Federal Police.

Apart from my young children here in Australia, it is no secret I have four (4) children who are currently in separate locations in subsistence surroundings across Papua New Guinea.  The eldest Aaron (11 years), Lee (8 years), Frederick jnr my namesake (7 years) and Maxwell (6 years).  Three (3) of these children I have never had the joy of seeing their smiling faces, but have had on rare occasions been able to hear their little soft voices by radio phone.

Three (3) of my children – Lee, Freddy jnr, and Maxwell were born in PNG after my arrest here in Cairns, Australia on 24 August 2004.  The eldest of the four (4) children, Aaron who is now 11 years, was born in Cairns Base Hospital, Queensland, Australia.

This current and drastic situation with my children is a direct result of the Australian Federal Police’s conduct. It is well known and documented that I was wrongfully and illegally convicted and incarcerated for almost three (3) years on knowingly false charges for the worst and most heinous conviction of paedophile.  I was used as a political Scapegoat for the Australian Federal Police’s covert operations and gains in the Pacific Islands.

Aaron’s mother is Raina Martens (aka Raina Jameney) who was the original conspirator who began this entire process with her attempts of black mail towards me for very large sums of money and this has been confirmed in Committal Court, Cairns Australia 2004.

Raina blocked my access to my son Aaron unless I paid bribes to her and her corrupted family; this frustrated my divorce from her which was imminent.  This should have resulted in my son Aaron being returned to Australia as he is an Australian citizen with his current status in PNG only as a temporary entrant dependent upon my work permit.  This situation was used to Raina’s advantage which as a result she commenced the false allegations to the Commonwealth Government (AFP) at the Waigani Port Moresby Australian High Commission, PNG.

Aaron is currently in PNG with a current Australian renewed Passport which has been fraudulently issued by false documentation by Raina Martens despite the AFP being aware of the true situation.  Tragically Aaron is currently an apprentice to crime, thanks to his well experienced criminally corrupted family.

Aaron’s situation to be returned home to Australia is both urgent and critical.  I have not seen my son Aaron since he was abducted away by his mother Raina and her family in 2003.  I view his baby photos and now wonder how he looks like.

My son Lee, was born in Papua New Guinea three weeks after my arrest in Australia.  I have been able to hear his soft speech on the radio phone on a few occasions.  To date Lee also had nearly passed away from malaria and spleen infections.  Due to his isolation, I neither have photos of him or any childhood stories to tell.  I wish for the day I can put my arms around him and see his face for the first time.

Freddy was also born after my arrest and is younger than his brother Lee.  On several occasions in past years I have heard Freddy’s attempts of speaking on the phone, again due to the remoteness of his location I have no visible record of his smiling face or childhood experiences to tell.  He too has also been a victim of serious illness due to malaria and his subsistence existence.

I look forward also to the day that I can put my arms around my namesake and say ‘hi jnr’.

Maxwell is the half-brother of Freddy.  Maxwell was also abandoned shortly after his birth together with Freddy.  Nobody with any kind of a heart and feelings could split these two (2) boys apart after all they have been through during their infant years of poverty.

I am making every effort to adopt Maxwell as my son, so as not to part the two (2) boys, which due to their circumstances would be heartless and cruel.  I can with open arms bring Maxwell into my heart and home as one of the family and a ‘Martens’ on the farm here in Mareeba, Australia.

I have never had the opportunity to attempt to speak with Maxwell or have any form of visual reference of either of these two (2) boys Freddy and Maxwell.

I am currently battling my way through the Government bureaucracy of paperwork for the travel documents to be issued for the four (4) boys.  Despite my maxed out credit card with only minimal Centrelink support as a result of the AFP, and battling the daily issues of almost subsistence existence, the lack of funds will NOT deter me in any way from being a loving dad who wants his children home altogether as one family.

I have found the PNG Government Departments very assist full and they have been speeding up the process.

I have had little or no assistance from the Australian Government, who will not allow me to process the four (4) boys’ papers through the Commonwealth Immigration Office in Cairns but insist I have to physically do it through the immigration office in Port Moresby.  Bureaucrats at best.

This dilemma creates a serious risk to my safety and that of my children, should I travel to Papua New Guinea many criminals could take the advantage so as not to face their most serious crimes and avoid many years of imprisonment, should I suddenly disappear.  Remember Port Moresby is internationally well known for its extremely high and uncontrollable crime rate.

My son Aaron was used as a porn in an extortion attempt by his mother and other conspirators for an amount of PGK, K1,000,000.00 Kina (approx. AUD $400,000.00) with her motive being I was extremely wealthy and owned several successful companies.  This has been established by the AFP agents affidavits confirming excess of AUD $20,000,000.00 of assets and operations.  Additionally in July 2003 I had just been awarded an amount of approx.  PGK K $5,500,00.00 Kina (including interest) by the Supreme Appeals Court of PNG.  For monies owed to one of my companies by the National Government of PNG for its debts owing to the Flying Doctors Service of PNG. (P.H.S.)  The Pioneer Health Service, of which I was the founder and owner since 1996 and after some almost 30 years of flying in the country.

Several other motives included a cover up of major criminal crimes conducted by Raina’s immediate family involving drugs; armed hold ups from my group of companies involving very large sums of money.  Service stations hold ups including cash outlets around Port Moresby and much more.  One of Raina’s brothers was shot dead by Police at one of the Service Station armed hold ups in 2003.

Additionally Raina was blocking my access to my son Aaron unless I paid bribes. The situation was used to Raina’s advantage; as a result she commenced the false allegations to the Commonwealth Government (AFP) at the Waigani Port Moresby Australian High Commission in mid 2003 immediately following the news media story of my successful Supreme Appeal Court decision involving large sums of money.  Which is now well known that the AFP immediately took political advantage of these false allegations from Raina without investigating ethically or conscientiously Raina Martens or any of the other conspirators.

Attempts were made by my legal team in Australia to have my bail conditions amended so as I would be able to have restricted use of my passport.  This would have enabled me to acquire this critical evidence and to attend to my immediate family needs.

The Committal Court Magistrate Mr Trevor Black, ordered the AFP to release my passport to me under the supervision and restrictions to be set by the AFP regarding reporting in at Port Moresby PNG where these false allegations all started.

In contempt of the court order, the AFP refused the release of my passport.  This resulted in my having to give open misere details at the Committal Court Australia to the AFP to discover the required government evidence to confirm my innocence.

Magistrate Mr Trevor Black, also issued a court order to this effect which is now well known. The AFP’s investigation was falsified and perverted.

My full acquittal (51 page document, reasons for decision) by the Supreme Appeals Court Brisbane Australia condemns both the AFP and the Crown Prosecution quoting the following:

170: “The records have always existed and have now been produced.  It is a poor reflection on the two organisations that one should have failed to find them and deny their existence and the other object to their use in the reference on the grounds that the petitioner should have obtained them earlier.”

Through the attrition of time my children in PNG and here in Australia have suffered immensely.  Including the unnecessary death of my infant daughter Stephanie Rose, who suffered for three months with malaria.  It was due to the uncaring and scathing nature of the AFP’s false allegations, removal and perverting of evidence, prevented me from providing any form of assistance, care, medical attention, or finance, which Stephanie Rose required so desperately.

My finances were not only frozen for my access due to the AFP’s conduct, but allowed the situation where FRAUD prevailed and over PGK K$5,000,000.00 Kina was removed from my account whilst I was in prison by criminal opportunists that knew of the situation I was in due to the AFP.

I must admit absolute guilt of my selfish conviction and make no apologies for the following: that I heartily enjoy the company of my children here in Australia, especially the quality time moments that are just for me!  The birthdays, the Father’s days, the Christmas days, the achievements, wins at football, the joys of them feeding their pets and learning to ride their bikes, playing in the sunlight with brothers and sisters.  My motives for enjoying these moments in my children’s lives are totally selfish, these moments are for me to enjoy and see them happy and prosper.

Thankfully and Sincerely Yours

Capt. Frederick A Martens                            A Proud Dad!

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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. David Harrison via Facebook

    What happened to this bloke sux. Those in the AFP who caused this to happen should be made to face the same penalty – jail, loss of family, children etc. Shame AFP, shame

  2. Mick Donaldson via Facebook

    david I agree with your views on this matter, the poor bloke has been screwed by the system in every imiganable way. Where is the justice? Where is the accountability? Where is the Australia that I use to know and love b4 Howard became PM?

  3. Phillipa Coe via Facebook

    Can’t the Oz Govt. at least do something for the kids. As david said, this sux. the kids are innocent victims of AFP corruption, can’t even this heartless organisation find the decancy to help these kids in need?

  4. Paul Oliver via Facebook

    Children need to be with their parents. I was removed from my parents because I’m black, it did me no good. What happened to martens is possibly worsee, he can see his children suffering, but he can’t do anything about it because he and they are victims of AFP and AustralianGovernment corruption. Whats more important, a few dollars for an Aussie multi-national or the lives of a whole family? Actually don’t answer that, it will just make me more angry. Australia I’m ashamed to call myself Aussie because of the way this family has been treated!

  5. Paula Duval via Facebook

    I can’t even begin to imagine how badly these poor children must be suffering because and only because of the actions of the AFP, this is disgusting and like others commenting here it makes me ashamed to call myself an Aussie. Shame Oz, shame!

  6. Mick Glass via Facebook

    Jez that worked that poor bastered over. Jesus that dick head Rudd spent $1,000,000 on travel over the last few months, how about a bit for these kids!

  7. Andy Mason via Facebook

    hey bro if there is anything that I can do to help let me know as others keep saying this sux. The AFP really are cunts (sorry ladies, but they are) I really hope that my cuz gets his Royal Commission in an open forum.

  8. Anne via Facebook

    Where’s Bob Hawke when you need him? No Australian child living in poverty 1990, and yet Labor allow an Australian child in PNG to suffer like this. Very sad indeed.

  9. Bruce

    Ummm… does nobody else think the AFP did a bloody great job here and he shouldn’t have had his conviction rescinded? I’m counting and just from this letter although he does not mention precisely the number of women (why?) it looks like this man has fathered kids with at least four women, three of whom were poor village women in PNG. I would want to know the ages of the mothers and more details before I gave support to this fellow – what he was doing in PNG, why did he feel the need to impregnate so many women, and why he wants their children if they don’t want him to have them. You only have his word that they are perishing of malaria. It’s very common for pedophiles to have their convictions overturned and even harder to convict them. I just don’t see that any ‘normal’ guy could father that many children unless he was taking terrible advantage of the PNG women. Sex tourism is an awful thing.

    1. Bakchos

      G’day Bruce,
      The issue is about institutionalised corruption in the AFP not morality. I have spoken with the mothers of some of these children, they are mature women. There is nothing illegal in fathering children to multiple women just as it’s not illegal for women to have children to multiple men. As I’m a Jew I can’t condone this type conduct, that being said, it’s not illegal. Before you attack this man’s credibility you should read the QCA reasons for decision. There are many unanswered questions concerning the AFP’s conduct in this matter. If he is really a paedophile the AFP have massive resources at their disposal to investigate and prosecute. If they have to resort to evidence manipulation, clearly their case isn’t solid. In this as in many other matters the truth will never be known. Once politicians become involved the truth is forgotten. Marten’s prosecution was as much political as anything else. Clearly there is a role for an organisation like the AFP in Australian law enforcement, but as Watershedd a regular contributor to Blak and Black has said “if you preach the high road [as the AFP do] you can’t walk in the gutter.

      1. Bob

        I’m a former managing director ‘ chief pilot of a aviation business in Cairns QLD, I know enough about this rock spider to believe he is guilty as charged. I recall vividly one conversation with Fred whereby he referred to White woman as “ Silver Bellies” and that he had island woman fever. Disgusting references to PNG woman was almost a daily occurrence.
        On one of his trips from PNG to Cairns I received an urgent and panicked telephone call from Fred’s Financial controller desperately wanting to speak with Fred, i was advised by the caller that Fred had taken a local Police officers daughter with him to Cairns and she was only 16 years old and her father was actively looking for her and that Fed needed to get her back to Morsbey ASAP.
        Later that day Fred attended to my officer whereby I informed him of the call, Fred had a young girl with him who he introduced to me as his wife… I recall mentioning to my staff that Fred must think we are all idiots when only a few weeks previously he had introduced another young girl as his wife, so who was who. Fred by his own admission to me stated he had a taste for young black woman and seeing him in the press and in trouble with the law comes as no surprise.
        Draw your own conclusions about this individual, but I know we’re I stand……

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