Peace dove with olive branch in a circle of blue. Words around the bird state "War is not the answer."

Suppose they gave a war and nobody came,
The generals in uniforms, all dressed the same,
With medals and badges, a dazzling display,
But the soldiers just yawned, “We’re busy today.

The banners unfurled, the trumpets did sound,
Yet the fields lay untouched, no foe to be found.
The tanks rolled in circles, the planes flew in vain,
While the world turned its back, too weary to feign.

“Let’s bomb all our boredom!” one leader did shout,
But the populace shrugged, “We’ve other things out.”
With Netflix and brunch, and the latest TikTok,
Who needs to engage in a real world shock?

So they set up the stage, with a grandiose flair,
But the audience stayed home, too comfy to care.
In the echo of silence, a truth starts to bloom:
A war without soldiers is a party for gloom.

So let’s raise a glass to the peace we defend,
Where the only explosions are memes that we send.
For in battles of wit, we’ve all found our way,
Suppose they gave a war—let’s just call it a day.

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