Emperor Trump

A Republic Unraveled

In the glare of noon’s unyielding blaze,
A spectre marches through the haze.
With gilded hands and brazen grin,
He tears the guardrails from within. 

The courts, the codes, the sacred ties, 
Distorted now by crafted lies. 
The gavel cracks; its echoes fade, 
While justice slips into the shade. 

Blindfold tattered, scales untrue,
What once stood firm now bends askew.
The law, a fragile woven thread, 
Unravels fast ‘neath boots of dread. 

The watchmen falter, spines unsteel, 
Their oaths dissolve, their voices kneel
And pillars crumble, one by one, 
Beneath the weight of what he’s done. 

What oath remains when truth goes blind? 
What torch will guide the weary mind?
A republic gasps; its lifeblood drains
As daylight smirks at shattered chains. 

But though the dark invades the land, 
Hope lingers still with trembling hand.
For shadows flee where fire burns bright –
The people must reclaim the light. 

🖊️ Bakchos

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