The Equality of Human Life: A Philosophical and Practical Examination
Every human life holds equal value, regardless of individual differences and is pivotal in ethical and legal frameworks.
Every human life holds equal value, regardless of individual differences and is pivotal in ethical and legal frameworks.
Authoritarianism and science skeptics are driving the Earth to a climate catastrophe.
Following the Holocaust, Julius Stone viewed the conception of Israel a practical necessity to prevent threat to the existence of the Jewish people.
Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs serves as a model for the integration of identity in public service, where the future of the world are paramount.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Resolving the Isreal-Palestine conflict requires understanding all sides of the matter, including the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
Every act of kindness, no matter how small, adds up to a ripple effect that can change the world.
Rights bloom for us all, Dignity stands tall – unbowed, Universal Bakchos Abstract Human dignity is a concept that has gained significant attention in various fields, including philosophy, law,…
The origins of Valentine’s Day are a rich tapestry woven from both pagan and Christian traditions.
The Thread That Binds UsWe walk beneath the same wide sky, No matter where or how or why. Our hearts beat out a common tune, A melody under the sun…
Mandatory sentencing disproportionately affects marginalist populations.
We must confront the challenges posed by contemporary populism and hate speech.
Colonisation of Australia viewed via penal transportation highlights convict challenges whilst honouring the injustices faced by Indigenous people.
Nationalism can provide a supportive space for people of common linguistic or ethnic backgrounds, but it is not the same as patriotism.
Trumpism challenges us to look beyond the ideology of politics to the emotions that underpin collective voter behaviour.
Addressing the widening gap between the wealthy and ordinary people is critical to improving the lives of ordinary Australians.
Whilst man can be his own worst enemy, societal forces and human nature must also be challenged to create a more equitable world.
Australia's collective memory neglects Indigenous experience. Acknowledging and addressing the impacts of colonialism honors all people.
Centuries of persecution underscore the necessity for a safe haven for Jews that also acknowledges Palestinians through a two-state solution.
Abstract This paper explores the complex journey of Martin Niemöller, a German Lutheran pastor whose initial support for Adolf Hitler transformed into profound regret and opposition to the Nazi regime.…