Peter Dutton: A Divisive Figure in Australian Politics
Peter Dutton represents a questionable option for a cohesive, just and united Australia.
Peter Dutton represents a questionable option for a cohesive, just and united Australia.
The pattern of restrictive laws in Australia bears concerning similarities with the gradual decline of Germany toward the Nazi regime.
Following the Holocaust, Julius Stone viewed the conception of Israel a practical necessity to prevent threat to the existence of the Jewish people.
Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs serves as a model for the integration of identity in public service, where the future of the world are paramount.
Multi-national corporations are often responsible for the abuse of human rights, for which they must be held accountable.
Resolving the Isreal-Palestine conflict requires understanding all sides of the matter, including the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
The Grasberg Mine in West Papua is damaging the environment and compromises the health and cultural heritage of the local Indigenous people.
The similarities between Trump's presidency and the Roman Republic bear consideration.
Australia’s political guardrail institutions are often holograms lacking the substantive ability to fulfill their mandates.
Preamble This article responds to a vile, racist comment left on my website by a self-described white supremacist using the pseudonym “Don’t Like Abos.” Highly original. The comment read: “Look,…
Politicisation of the Australian Federal Police biases law enforcement, diverting the drivers from community service and underpinning unprofessional behaviour.
The Thread That Binds UsWe walk beneath the same wide sky, No matter where or how or why. Our hearts beat out a common tune, A melody under the sun…
Failure to ensure the integrity of legal documents and to hold those accountable for breach are hallmarks of a failed justice system.
Access to justice is hampered by financial means for the majority, but there are ways to address the disparity.
Mandatory sentencing disproportionately affects marginalist populations.
The lack of accountability for fabrication of evidence by police further insults victims of injustice and undermines trust in the justice system.
Corruption must be combatted by public demand for independent anti-corruption bodies and whistleblower protections.
The economic and social costs of corruption in the public service underscores the imperative for robust anti-corruption bodies.
Centuries of persecution underscore the necessity for a safe haven for Jews that also acknowledges Palestinians through a two-state solution.
Access to true justice requires that coercive bargaining and penalties for going to trial be eradicated as part of legal reform.