20 Years of Unbroken One-Party Rule in the ACT: A Dismal Reality Check
It is time for the ACT to a return to a more balanced and representative governance model.
It is time for the ACT to a return to a more balanced and representative governance model.
The Greens have won a greater proportion of the seat in the ACT than any other state or territory but do they lack the spine to hold ACT Labor to account?
In Australia’s sunburnt land, they stand, Politicians with a price tag in hand, Promises flutter like leaves in the breeze, Words like soft whispers, yet nothing to seize. Chasing votes like a dog…
Has ACT Labor been proactive as the Territory's leaders for the past twenty years?
ACT Labor has held government since 2001, with concerns increasing that the lack of integrity and accountability in the ACT Public Service has been fostered by political leaders.
Where have all the jobs gone? Don’t bother us with reality, ideology is all that matters!