The Legacy of ACT Labor, 20 years of lazy government

Suppression of two public interest disclosures pointing money siphoned out of government coffers hallows corruption to go on unchecked in the Australian Capital Territory.


The ACT Barr Government, ducking the hard calls for another term

Why was Mullins fitted-up for seeking a missing public interest disclosure and why does the Barr Government not ensure transparency?


Jon Stanhope, the man who washed his hands of Mullins

“Jon Stanhope appeared to see the world as both binary and polar. All that is good in the world was embodied by the Labor party, and all that is bad…


#Justice4Mullins , a black life that matters

The following is an unfinished saga of racism & corruption; about how far one jurisdiction will go to cover up their misdeeds, the people who are complicit & the Australian…

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Treaties, lies and the Morning Star Flag
Morning Star flags

Treaties, lies and the Morning Star Flag

“The West Papuans have become the victims of Australia’s regional foreign policy arrangements that prop up the anti-refugee policies of Operation Sovereign Borders.” Ian Rintoul, Refugee Action Coalition. Fifty-two years…


A fish rots from the head

The most recent public airing of a racist attack on a Korean man and his aunt visiting from his homeland has prompted another round of self-reflection on the Australian psyche.…


West Papua – time we were #idlenomore

“We recognize international law …” Every country that is a member of the United Nations recognizes international law, Bob, at least as far as it serves their purposes. It seems…

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